
1. **保暖**:袖子可以保护手臂免受寒冷侵袭,特别是在冬季或寒冷地区,它是一个重要的保暖层。

2. **保护**:袖子可以保护手臂免受碰撞、擦伤等意外伤害。


3. **装饰**:袖子是服装设计的重要组成部分,可以通过不同的剪裁、材质和图案来增添服装的美观性。

4. **调节温度**:通过穿脱袖子,人们可以根据身体需要调节温度,比如在室内外活动时。

5. **功能设计**:某些工作服的袖子设计有特殊功能,如加厚、防水、透气等,以适应特定工作环境的需求。

6. **表达个性**:通过不同的袖子设计,如刺绣、贴标等,可以表达个人的审美和风格。

7. **健康防护**:在医疗行业,某些工作服的袖子设计可以防止交叉感染,保护医护人员和患者。

8. **文化象征**:在某些文化或宗教仪式中,袖子的设计或材质可能具有特殊意义,如佛教僧侣的长袖代表了清净和修行。



1. **排毒美容**:青汁粉中含有丰富的叶绿素和黄酮类化合物,能够帮助清理体内毒素,促进新陈代谢,防止毒素沉积在皮肤表层,从而减少色斑、痤疮和青春痘的产生,对维持皮肤健康大有裨益。

2. **改善消化功能**:青汁粉富含膳食纤维,可以促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘症状,帮助消化,提高身体的新陈代谢。


3. **保护心血管**:青汁粉中的类黄酮有助于延缓血管老化,增加血管的弹性和韧性,净化血液,加速血液中脂肪和胆固醇的代谢,从而预防心血管疾病。

4. **延缓衰老**:青汁粉能够清除体内的过氧化脂质,阻止自由基的产生,加速组织细胞的新陈代谢,同时提供丰富的营养,有助于提升身体各器官的功能,延缓衰老过程。

5. **预防肥胖和高血压、高血脂**:青汁粉能产生饱腹感,减少主食摄入,有助于减少脂肪的合成,对于生活作息不规律、肥胖、高血压和高血脂等人群尤为适宜。


6. **提高免疫功能**:青汁粉中含有的多种维生素和矿物质等微量元素,能够提高身体的免疫功能,促进吸收和消化,避免肥胖和便秘。


7. **改善血糖血脂**:青汁粉可以改善血糖血脂,对于预防和控制糖尿病有一定的帮助。

8. **缓解口臭**:青汁粉中的某些成分有助于净化口腔,缓解口臭。

9. **适用于特定人群**:对于孩子生长发育不良、女性孕期补充叶酸、需要瘦身和改善消化系统功能的人群,青汁粉都是不错的选择。

10. **健康养生**:坚持饮用青汁粉,有助于形成健康的生活习惯,增强体质。



1. **增强免疫力**:柠檬含有丰富的维生素C,这种维生素是增强免疫系统、预防感冒和其他疾病的天然良药。同时,蜂蜜也具有抗菌和抗炎的特性,两者结合能够显著提高身体的抵抗力。

2. **促进消化**:蜂蜜柠檬水能够帮助消化,缓解胃部不适。柠檬中的有机酸能够刺激胃液分泌,促进食物的消化。


3. **美容养颜**:柠檬中的维生素C能够防止皮肤色素沉着,减少黑斑和雀斑,具有美白和抗衰老的作用。蜂蜜则能够滋润肌肤,减少皮肤干燥。

4. **缓解疲劳**:蜂蜜柠檬水能够消除疲劳和脚部酸痛。柠檬中的某些成分能够帮助缓解肌肉酸痛,而蜂蜜则能够补充能量,缓解身体疲劳。

5. **杀菌作用**:柠檬含有烟酸和丰富的有机酸,柠檬酸汁具有强效的杀菌作用,能够杀死一些细菌。

6. **调节血糖**:蜂蜜柠檬水有助于调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


7. **强化记忆**:蜂蜜柠檬水中的维生素C和抗氧化物质能够改善血液循环,有助于强化记忆力和提高思考反应的灵活性。

8. **减轻感冒症状**:感冒初起时,饮用柠檬蜂蜜水可以缓解咽喉疼痛,减少喉咙干燥等不适症状。

9. **预防结石**:柠檬中的柠檬酸盐能够抑制钙盐结晶,有助于预防肾结石的形成。

10. **排毒养颜**:早上空腹喝蜂蜜柠檬水有助于排出体内毒素,促进新陈代谢。





1. **降低胆固醇和脂肪堆积**:花生米中含有人体所需的不饱和脂肪酸,而醋中含有多种有机酸。这些有机酸能够分解花生米中的脂肪,减少胆固醇和脂肪在体内的堆积,从而有助于维持心血管健康。

2. **清热活血**:花生米和醋的结合具有清热和活血的作用。长期食用可以降低血压,软化血管,对于预防心血管疾病有积极作用。


3. **保护血管壁**:花生米中的硒元素和其他微量元素可以降低血小板的聚集,花生仁的红衣能够抑制纤维蛋白的溶解,促进血小板新生,增强毛细血管的收缩功能,有助于保护血管壁,防止血栓形成。

4. **减肥瘦身**:花生米高饱腹感的特点有助于控制食欲,而醋泡花生米的低热量特性也有助于减肥。

5. **补充营养**:醋泡花生米含有丰富的蛋白质、碳水化合物、脂肪以及金属离子和脂溶性维生素等营养成分,有助于补充人体所需。

6. **促进消化**:醋泡花生米中的碳水化合物可以刺激口腔分泌唾液,促进胃液分泌,而醋可以帮助胃酸消化食物,因此具有促进消化的作用。


7. **杀菌作用**:醋泡花生米中的醋酸具有杀菌作用,有助于维护肠道健康。


– 食用要适量,过量食用可能导致胃酸过多,引发胃痛。
– 正在服用药物的人不宜食用,因为醋酸可能会影响药物的效果。
– 胃病患者(如胃溃疡、胃酸过多)不宜食用,以免加重病情。
– 腹泻或胃肠道疾病患者应禁食。



1. **触感型开关功能**:锅仔片作为触感型开关,能够将用户的物理按压动作转换为电路的通断信号。当用户按下锅仔片时,金属弹片会下凹,接触到PCB板上的导电部位,从而形成回路,电流得以通过,设备因此得到控制。

2. **提高使用手感**:相较于传统的硅胶按键,锅仔片提供了更为舒适的手感。这种手感来源于金属弹片的稳定回弹力和适中的按压力度,使得用户在操作时能够得到更佳的体验。

3. **延长使用寿命**:锅仔片具有高达100万次触压的超长寿命,这对于频繁使用电子产品的用户来说,意味着更低的维护成本和更长的设备使用寿命。

4. **提高生产效率**:由于锅仔片在制作过程中可以与PCB板进行高效结合,因此可以间接提高使用导电膜类型开关的生产效率。

5. **广泛的应用领域**:锅仔片广泛应用于各类电子产品中,如手机、网络电话、遥控器、MP3/MP4、收音机、数码相机、学习机、游戏控制键盘、微波炉、汽车仪表板、望远镜、玩具等。

6. **多种表面处理**:根据不同产品结构及档次的需要,锅仔片可以进行镀镍、镀银、镀金等多种不同的表面处理,以适应不同的使用环境和需求。





1. **健脾养胃**:木瓜含有木瓜蛋白酶,能够帮助消化,而银耳则含有丰富的植物纤维和碳水化合物,对脾胃虚弱、食欲不振有很好的改善作用。

2. **润肠通便**:银耳中的膳食纤维能够促进肠道蠕动,有助于缓解便秘,保持肠道健康。

3. **美白肌肤**:木瓜中的维生素C和银耳中的天然植物性胶质都能帮助提升肌肤光泽,减少皱纹,从而达到美白肌肤的效果。

4. **滋阴润肺**:银耳具有滋阴润肺的作用,适合干燥季节食用,能够改善口干舌燥、咳嗽等症状。

5. **增强免疫力**:木瓜和银耳都含有多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

6. **减肥去脂**:木瓜中的木瓜蛋白酶可以帮助分解脂肪,而银耳中的膳食纤维也有助于减少脂肪的吸收,对减肥有一定的帮助。



7. **改善气血**:红枣、莲子等搭配食材(根据不同的食谱可能包含)可以补中益气,改善因气血不足引起的头晕、乏力等症状。


8. **补充营养**:木瓜含有丰富的水分、碳水化合物、蛋白质和多种维生素,银耳则含有天然植物性胶质和多种氨基酸,两者结合能够补充人体所需的多种营养素。

9. **调节月经**:一些食谱中搭配红枣等食材,可以调理月经,对女性健康有益。

10. **其他功效**:如改善睡眠、提高肝脏解毒能力、增强对肿瘤的抵抗力等,根据不同的食谱和食材,可能还会带来其他特定的健康益处。


This reformed soldier’s bag can accommodate several monks, or if it stays in it for too long, it will be harmful to the Three Holy Beasts. Now it has no illusion ability for the time being, so it has to be put into the soldier’s bag to let out some air when it treats people.

Mu Zi Yi also danced a sword flower, purple awn shining like a flying flower, mixed with a dense attack on Tufo’s pursuit, which made the other party look a little embarrassed for a while. After all, Mu Jia’s sword tactic is very powerful and hard to meet him, and it is also very expensive.
Such an opportunity has left MuZiYin. If you try to escape, I believe you can avoid this Tufo.
But just as a few people want to escape, a sense of tremor between heaven and earth suddenly comes to a few people. Fortunately, after putting away Mu Tu, they are already suspended and the shock force is not too great.
A loud noise came to several people’s senses. In the flash of Guanghua in front of them, there was a broken sound, which turned out to be a large array of broken peripheral sounds.
Suddenly, three dark handprints attacked Mu Ziyin from the rear, which made Lu Li’s eyes immediately angry!
The three handprints were instantly scattered in the palm of the fist, and the powerful force of the highest plough gathered in the fist.
Black smoke is filled with evil spirits, and he is a master of ghost school.
This time, even Tufo’s pursuit has been suspended. He wants to see who the spoiler is.
"Hum, I can’t believe that you still have something to do to block a blow."
A man with a cold breath in his whole body slowly flew out with a grimace mask, followed by four people, all of whom looked gloomy, which was caused by the long-term practice of ghost Sect.
This person’s face mask covers up his appearance, but his voice is easy to recognize. Plus, he should be a man with a thick body.
Lu Li’s desire for Muzi’s voice has been blocked in front of him. "Ghost face, is it because you want me to make an enemy at home this time?"
The masked man called Ghost Face smiled with a sly smile. "I dare not make moves easily this time, but ghosts will support me and I am not afraid of you."
Just as he said it, a figure flew out and there were more than ten smells, but none of them were strangers and all were ghosts!
The leading ghost is a ghost general, but this ghost will surely be made of a ghost fairy after baptism. It should have a force comparable to that of a fairy, but I don’t know who is stronger than it.
The secret heart once said that some special ghosts will be baptized by ghosts and immortals, and they will have their own unique titles compared with unified ghosts, such as that ghost general.
Generally speaking, ghosts are not as good as ghosts and immortals, but after baptism, ghosts and immortals can be regarded as ghosts and gods.
Ghost will also stand behind two GREAT GHOST fairy digital ghosts. If this strength is surrounded by Tufo, I believe it has a certain grasp.
After all, if there is an advantage in the number of ghosts, it is extremely difficult to deal with them, and the ghosts are very elegant and good at speed escape, which is not inferior to the magic master.
In that ghost face, you can’t see that the face mask is very strange. Just glanced at it, you felt that your mind was shocked and almost eroded. The head was dull and painful. The ghost face was a bit overbearing
However, the two ghosts who accompanied him were quite weak, and they just formed a Yuan baby. The whole body is also very weak.
"This ghost face is the master of ghost cases in Yongzhou, and the master of ghost village is the ghost village. At the beginning, the digital core elders of Taikoo Gate were wiped out on the spot, but this ghost face escaped before it got wind. I didn’t expect to see this person again today."
Muzi’s sound makes Lulu immediately understand the background of this person, which is also convenient for thinking about countermeasures.
Tufo was about to eat, but he saw another lewd smile in the distance. It was a well-dressed man with a folding fan. He painted a picture of a hundred birds flying towards the phoenix, but he was a handsome man, but the lewd color on his brow revealed suspicion. At the sight of Muziyin, he gave people a sense of nausea.
It was Mu Ziyin who took the lead in saying, "The flower thief didn’t expect you to dare to show up on your own initiative?"
The man didn’t tear his face, but his tone was still sinister. "If I don’t cherish such a beauty, wouldn’t it be a wave of this section of nature?"
Mu Ziyin was furious when he heard this, but he wanted to say that he was a stranger. "I’ve heard of ten thieves in Kyushu, and sure enough, many of them are practitioners, but you are a flower thief-"
The sudden pause in tone made the jinyi man curious.
He didn’t care about the many ghosts, but asked directly, "I said so!" I’ve never missed my job before, but I’m only injured here. Mu Ziyin’s hand is the only failure. Today I’m going to get it back with interest! "
Chapter 49 Huangfu Qianfeng
As soon as his words were finished, he sneered, "Ten thieves in Kyushu will even become nine thieves in Kyushu today."
The provocative meaning in this speech makes the flower thief suddenly angry and eager to rush, but he is also a very cunning person. After a lot of hesitation, he still hides his anger deeply.
Followed by several figures, there are many people who know each other from afar, but I believe that the other party will never recognize themselves because of the taxiing tactic.
Among them, Lu Li knew the man who had helped Huangfu Qianfeng in the first world war of Yuntian City. This time, his school sister was also with them. It seems that the two of them are inseparable.
There is also a person who is a magical dancer in Baihua Valley. This beautiful and temperament girl unexpectedly appeared in this sad mountain.
Huangfu Qianfeng, the famous accompanying master Ji behind his school sister, is a monk then, and he is estimated to be a Wan Yuzong.
Besides them, there seem to be three scattered practitioners following the Huangfu Qianfeng, but their positions should be the opposite.
This original quiet and disturbing mountain can be described as a gathering of many masters, and it is necessary to further judge whether to fight or flee, and the difficulty of robbing the world is also greatly increased
Muzi’s voice was bitter and said to Lu Li, "I didn’t expect the news to come. It seems that their news is more accurate. If I estimate that it is right, the moment when the strange thing was born is already fast."
The three practitioners were two men and one woman, and the girl was a little evil, and she looked very charming. Her petite and plump body was wrapped in a long purplish dress, which looked very enchanting and dazzling, but there was a danger in her breath, like a thorn in a flower.
In those two men, one of them is dressed like a westerner with a combat knife, and the other is gray-haired and wearing a shabby coarse linen, just like a beggar with a green snake coiled around his left arm and his right sleeve broken, revealing a dry palm. It seems that this person is good at poison.
It’s also a lot of trouble for Lu Li that these three people stand dozens of feet apart from each other and don’t look like fellow travelers.
This group of outsiders did not expect that Muziyin’s Tufo would appear here. Tufo came from the western regions, but after all, he was a fairy and a strong man, and his name was not small. I think many experts in good and evil knew him.
It was the Huangfu Qianfeng who took the lead in saying, "It turned out to be Ziyin girl, a butcher who is afraid of coming from the western regions. Is it necessary to kill Ziyin girl today?"

When they arrived with a great army, several emperors and many kings of the witch tribe almost evacuated.

There are a large number of remaining witches, but the realm is not high. There is almost no resistance to the attack and killing of the interface army such as the Wutong community
The whole witch world is almost!
The interface armies such as the Wutong boundary will March forward and break through in one day!
Where are the remaining Wiccan emperors and many Wiccan kings?
It’s not easy for the leader of the Wu clan to get together the emperor and king of the Wu clan in the chaos, which requires extreme measure.
And these witch emperors are separated from the witch kings, but as people evaporate, even budo Zun has just found no trace!
Wu Daozun said slowly
"Is it him?"
Butterfly month frowned.
Wu Daozun said, "The patriarch of the courtyard is half a witch family who is very familiar with the witch family and has enough motivation."
"If it is normal, he has absolutely no chance to enter the witch world and take over so many strong witches."
"But the sorcerer and other emperors gave him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take advantage of the situation!"
The patriarch’s ambition is great. Since he suffered a big loss in the hands of Wu Daozun, he has been dormant for years without any news.
But once he has an opportunity, he will never miss it!
It can also be inferred that the realm of discharge from the hospital is likely to have reached the great achievement of the emperor’s realm and even the perfection of the emperor’s realm!
Wu Daozun went on to say, "And some court patriarchs have such scheming, mind and means."
"Taste the smell of the patriarch’s insight into the secret plan. I have seen it today."
Butterfly Moon said, "It’s less than a day since you and I arrived here from the interface armies such as Wu Jie and Wu Tong Jie."
"That is to say, in less than a day, he successfully took over the wizarding world and gathered the emperors and kings of the wizarding world to escape from here without leaving a trace."
It seems simple, but it’s actually difficult and full of unpredictable dangers!
First of all, the master of the academy has a clear control over the dragon world, the phoenix tree world, including the movement of Wudao Zun.
Because it was left to him for less than a day
Secondly, the patriarch of the court also has to have extreme measure to curb the witch family, leaving these strong people to successfully enter the witch world
What’s more, it’s extremely dangerous.
Wu Daozun can turn around and come to three thousand places, and naturally he can go back and block him red-handed!
If one link goes wrong, the master of the hospital may be beyond redemption!
"good means"

This sword light is so sharp! People can’t help but gasp at a glance and give birth to an illusion-I feel that my eyes are bleeding!

This sword light is like a fuse burning, and an extremely horrible feeling comes out from Hu Tian’s thin body like thunder and a volcanic eruption!
"eh? !” Heixiong only gave a little consternation, and his face expression did not change. A mighty river of firm but gentle waves washed his huge body into the smallest particles.
In the astonished eyes of all people, the source of this prehistoric example, the long river of firm but gentle Hu-day, broke out, and in an instant, the black male was washed into slag, and then the afterglow did not decrease, turning into a vigorous dragon, with its teeth bared and its teeth sharp and firm but gentle shot everywhere in the middle of it.
The dragon rose in the sea of clouds and beasts and washed out a huge passage. Everything that hindered the Stegosaurus fell apart!
Even if there is a sea of clouds in Tianshan turtle, it is instantly torn into bits and pieces by violent firm but gentle, and turned into flesh and blood. The hapless giant turtle scattered on the hill didn’t even come out with a miserable cry!
The firm but gentle dragon went straight into the sky for hundreds of feet before it exploded.
During the dragon’s experience, everything swings, leaving an extremely quiet and clean giant tunnel. Even the surrounding sea of clouds can’t invade for a long time!
In a secret castle hundreds of miles away, the three door owners looked at Gao Yan, who was about to drink tea, holding cups and cups in his hand, but staring at the distance like a sculpture
Jinjia Square was even more silent.
One by one, I turned my head and looked up at the boss with a high mouth.
What if I’m facing this? It seems to be a serious illness to think that one by one is pale.
"Hey!" One of the monks, whose face was white and thin, couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva with Adam’s apple rolling. Suddenly, his face changed as if he were a dead mother, clutching his chest in distress and shouting, "Isn’t that just the cloud turtle my head?" !”
No one has the heart of the unfortunate Tianshan turtle in the sea of clouds, but after this unfortunate monk shouted, everyone remembered it and could not help but quietly turn their eyes to Hu Tian, the golden altar.
Hu-day still looks cool, wearing a pale blue cassock and roaring slightly in the wind. His eyes are already quiet, and his white and handsome face seems to be harmful to people and animals.
But this time, everyone will despise it again.
Despising Hu Tianchang like Heixiong gives everyone an example.
"Just this attack suddenly changed in the middle of the hand. It seems that I can’t help but consciously complete the feeling that the firm but gentle dragon is soaring … there is nothing wrong! This is the feeling of supernatural power! "
Hu Tian knows that the sea is not as calm as it seems. On the contrary, his thoughts fluctuate like the tide rising and falling, and waves of inspiration fill his heart.
"I’m white, I’m refining a sword, and the dragon fly emperor’s spine fairy bone has swallowed up the beautiful demon fairy’s residual ideas, and I inherited some famous sword avatar in demon fairy! This sword is full of supernatural powers, overbearing and fierce, and a god blocks the killing of gods and buddhas. Well, in that case, just call it-Sword Dragonfly Emperor! "
Section 32 Fast sword king bogey
Sword avatar-sword dragonfly emperor!
Hu-day didn’t expect to get the result of refining immortal bones for the second time, which not only absorbed the lingering thoughts of the peerless demon fairy, but also forcefully pushed the three classics to the second middle section and unexpectedly obtained such a powerful sword avatar.
Of course, he also has a sword avatar, but this avatar can’t show its power until he reaches the Yuan God period-tangible virtual flash.
The appearance of Jian Longfei Emperor just made up for his shortcomings. Although his means are complicated and varied, he has been trying to fix the sea and needle the sea for two yuan, and the heart of the Milian Mountain and the beast have been stepping on the horse with great fortune, merit and toad-shaped shock wave … But there is only a lack of a means to break out at one stroke.
Moreover, the power of Sword Dragonfly Emperor does not stop there.
The true power of this sword avatar needs to cooperate with the spine fairy bone to fully display the spine fairy bone, which is equivalent to the explosion of the shock wave at any time in the second atmosphere. The power is simply unimaginable.
"The first competition Hu Feng win black male not lost! Who else will apply for the challenge? " Danyang, shining golden square, was the first one to wake up from the shock and jump on the altar again, yelling.
This time no one responded to his words at the first time.
Danyang’s forehead drops of cold sweat, and his eyes indicate that several of the guests know that the other party has turned a deaf ear and deliberately avoided his eyes.
"damn it! The arrangement of small chess is taboo for Hu Tian. Is this serious? " Danyang cursing in the heart was quite unwilling that Hu-day broke out unexpectedly, but it didn’t stop there, which didn’t make him give up his determination to win Tian Yanfeng.
The clever layman is so attractive that even if Hu-day is ten times stronger than just now, he can’t help but take risks.
He quietly looked at the mainstay of the real master in this plan. Immediately, several black males who were eager to move were just a stomach dish to test Hu-day’s card. I didn’t expect that the rammed goods were lightly attacked by Hu-day, and Hu-day’s real strength was still mostly hidden in the fog, which more or less disrupted some deployment arrangements in Danyang.
Just as he hesitated, he suddenly heard a voice lazily ring out, "Hey, who wrote that sword light just now?"
"hmm? Fast sword king taboo! " Danyang was overjoyed after a shock!
Wang Ji is a special member of the list of Fengke Qing, so he is arrogant and loves swords. He likes to find someone to learn and polish his own kendo. He has always scorned what Fengke Qing list is. After attending several Dojo at the end of the month, he lost interest and has never seen him again. Therefore, he ranks last in the list of Fengke.
However, no one has ever despised his fighting power. Compared with him, Heixiong is simply the difference between a baby and a giant!
Wang Ji is a fast sword-repairing skill in Yuan Baby’s period. Often, the opponent has not yet reacted, and he has been defeated, far from being able to invite a moving figure in Danyang.
"I’m afraid this king’s taboo is to see that the dragon with a firm but gentle spirit has just risen. It’s really God’s help to me!" Danyang laughed in his heart. His favorite thing to do in his life is to sit quietly and watch the tigers fight, and then get the fisherman’s profit.
Danyang’s eyes were all gone, and he shouted, "Face Wang Keqing challenged Hu Feng and asked both sides to discuss the way to fight!"
"Than a sword!" Wang Ji looked at Hu-day, and there was a fever in his tone. With an amazing intuition, he immediately realized that the person who had just shot was Hu-day in Taiwan at this time.
"Wait" hu-day suddenly lightly mouth.
At that time everyone looked at him.
"Hu Feng since Wang Keqing asked for a fight, if you want to refuse, you have to give up the first position." Wang Jixu narrowed her eyes and looked at Hu-day slowly.
Hu-day’s deep eyes glanced at Danyang calmly, and the tone was gentle and tunnel "I ask for a break"
Danyang yizhi
Asking for rest is not asking too much for facts, but one of the rules of the Dojo at the end of the month
At the end of the month, the Dojo can’t help killing. If you die in the Dojo, it’s a lack of strength to blame, just as after Heixiong’s death, his property will be divided into two parts, half of which will be contributed to the sect, and the other half will be owned by Hu Tian, the winner.
This rule, to a certain extent, has curbed the possibility of a big fight between Feng and Ke Qing at the scene, and it turns out that it is not so stupid to fight and kill Feng Ke Qing with a little ranking benefit and reputation.
There are adults in Xiuzhen, who is not a thoughtful person?
This time, however, it is very different. The clever layman left the Beast Star, but the legacy and huge interests have overwhelmed the greed and desire in the hearts of the guests, supporting them to risk their lives.
Hu-day calmly bent down and stretched out his hands to pick up the two gloves left by Heixiong on the battlefield.
These two knuckles are simple in shape and painted with images of fierce beasts. The bronze luster is filled with a hint of wildness, danger and hegemony.
"This is a magic weapon!" Hu-day fingers in slight contact later rejection let his heart a joy.
In this world of repairing truth, human beings can be divided into three levels: implements, spiritual devices and magic weapons. In the period of cultivating qi, monks make spiritual devices, then in the period of spiritual silence, while the magic weapons are generally in the hands of Mahayana in the period of Yuanying and scattered immortals in the field of repairing truth.
Strength is always serious.
Different levels of magic weapons and the corresponding realm of repairing truth and the matching of repairing reflect this point.
It’s a world of difference that a magic weapon falls into the hands of a monk in the practice period and a monk in the infant period to exert its strength. The same magic weapon is the most suitable weapon in the hands of a monk in the elixir period. If the magic weapon falls into the hands of a monk in the elixir period, it will not exert 50% of its strength, and it will even lead to serious consequences if it goes beyond the level to bite its master.
To some extent, the combat effectiveness of Heixiong Buji is restricted by these two gloves.

By the sixth night, almost all the powerful dark nights were roaring and angry all night.

Somehow, they felt that Yang Xiu had recaptured the night limit.
They don’t want to. They don’t agree with it from the bottom of their hearts.
Yang Xiu, after all, has Fu Xia’s cool thunder emperor, Shen Yuanqi’s holy light and Zhu Tianrong’s Vulcan. He is not purely dark.
For Yang Xiu as a whole, the dark night is one-ninth of him!
On how you hide it, it’s a way to avoid the truth!
In those thirteen powerful dark nights, just lead the number ceremony. All the powerful dark nights are unwilling to be angry and angry.
But yang xiu, no matter how they continue to fight for beauty!
It’s the seventh night in a flash!
Those dark nights roared and gradually turned into an act of god.
Yang xiu felt more difficult than fighting this time.
Night Avenue hates him!
He can no longer seize a little night limit, and now his night limit has reached 77%!
This has reached the limit.
On Yang Xiuru’s patrol, he couldn’t find the travel avenue.
This is the night avenue for others in the shelter.
Moreover, the avenue is examined again and again, and it is like depriving Yang Xiu of the avenue limit.
Yang Xiu’s "Upset Down and Turn to Mystery" reaches its limit, and there is a feeling of breaking this law by repeated washing.
Wanted to think, Yang Xiu sneer at a lift "upside down and turn to mystery"
No longer hide, show yourself completely in the avenue of the universe
That night avenue seems very excited to catch you!
But in the dark night avenue, Yang Xiu runs the secret method of immortality and Qin.
Immortal Qin Daolian Qi Tactics, Immortal Sword in Nine Worlds, Immortal Sword with One Heart and One Mind, Immortal Sword Trapped in Three Clearances and Four Realities, Air Hammer in Three Clearances and Four Realities, True Solution of the Holy Light and the Great Sun, Immortal Mystery in an Instant …
Come on, you have a try!
If you dare to try, I will dare to urge these secret methods in the avenue to take a shot and break up!
Now, the struggle form of Yang Xiu’s Soul Avenue is located at the core of the avenue, and the integration of the middle road will make these immortal secrets, whether it is a magical sword or an air hammer, it will blow itself up.
Yang xiu silently waits for the choice of avenue!
Gradually, the road chose to come to the road, depending on other dark nights, and the public morality of the road was unwilling to agree with Yang Xiuxian.
Yang xiu laughed.
This end returns to the flesh.
End the road fight, the night limit reaches 77%, 7%!
Other roads are controlled by others.
So this avenue is limited to Yang Xiufa’s capture.
I feel that the avenue is fair and just, and no one will fight Yang Xiu again.
Those who are now disappearing are unwilling and have no movement.
They have been completely defeated by Yang Xiu, giving up and never roaring or angry again.
Now Yang Xiu has so many avenues that it is beyond imagination.
If you inherit the night god, it will only be about 60%. Now, 77%, 7% is taken by Yang Xiu himself.
The original avenue limits the precipitation of the universe to three points, which does not belong to people.
There are 12% by other night gods who are in control.
The remaining road limits are all lost in inheritance. There is no way.
Looking at the universe, Yang Xiu nodded. He knew that it was almost enough. Let’s stop here.
It is impossible to master this avenue by yourself.
Because I haven’t reached that point yet, it is only possible that Yuan Ying will return to the virtual Mahayana in the future.
Yang xiu stopped wandering in the universe all his life and slowly returned to himself and his body.
As soon as you open your eyes, your mind will return to its place.
Integrating many limitations is no longer a matter of getting together to compete.
But completely integrated with Yang Xiu himself, belonging to Yang Xiu and me.