川柏之效,指的是川柏(一种中药材)的药效。川柏,学名为“Thujopsis chinensis”,是柏科的一种常绿乔木,其叶、枝、种子等部分均可入药。


川柏之效,指的是川柏(一种中药材)的药效。川柏,学名为“Thujopsis chinensis”,是柏科的一种常绿乔木,其叶、枝、种子等部分均可入药。

1. **清热解毒**:川柏具有清热解毒的作用,可用于治疗热病发热、感冒、咽喉肿痛等症状。

川柏之效,指的是川柏(一种中药材)的药效。川柏,学名为“Thujopsis chinensis”,是柏科的一种常绿乔木,其叶、枝、种子等部分均可入药。

2. **祛风除湿**:川柏具有祛风除湿的功效,适用于风湿性关节炎、肌肉酸痛等疾病。

川柏之效,指的是川柏(一种中药材)的药效。川柏,学名为“Thujopsis chinensis”,是柏科的一种常绿乔木,其叶、枝、种子等部分均可入药。

3. **收敛止血**:川柏具有收敛止血的作用,适用于出血性疾病,如吐血、衄血、尿血等。

4. **止泻**:川柏对于腹泻有止泻作用。

5. **抗炎**:川柏具有一定的抗炎作用,可用于治疗某些炎症性疾病。

6. **抗菌**:川柏具有一定的抗菌作用,可用于治疗一些细菌感染性疾病。



1. **平肝息风**:羊角颗粒中的羊角成分具有平肝息风的作用,能够缓解因肝阳上亢引起的头痛、头晕等症状。

2. **镇痛作用**:羊角颗粒中的川芎、白芷等成分能够活血行气,解表散寒,从而达到镇痛的效果,适用于偏头痛、血管性头痛、紧张性头痛等。

3. **改善脑部血液循环**:该药物能增加椎动脉的血流量,扩张软脑膜小动脉,舒张血管平滑肌,改善脑部供血,缓解脑缺血缺氧状况。

4. **调节血管功能**:羊角颗粒有助于调节血管的收缩功能,使血管保持稳定状态,从而抑制偏头痛的发作。

5. **中药复方**:羊角颗粒由羊角、川芎、白芷、制川乌等多种中药组成,这些成分相互配合,发挥综合治疗作用。

6. **安全性较高**:作为中成药,羊角颗粒一般没有严重的不良反应,适用于中青年患者。


7. **适应症广泛**:除了治疗头痛,羊角颗粒也可用于神经痛等疾病的治疗。

8. **用药注意事项**:孕妇、肝大、肝风患者不宜使用羊角颗粒。使用过程中如出现过敏等不良反应,应及时停药并咨询医生。



1. **护眼明目**:胡萝卜富含丰富的β-胡萝卜素,在煲汤过程中,这种胡萝卜素会溶解于猪排骨的油脂中。人体内β-胡萝卜素可以转化为维生素A,有助于促进眼内光感应黑色素转化,预防红眼病,提高色觉工作能力,减少眼疲劳和眼睛干燥。


2. **降血压降血糖**:胡萝卜中含有的琥珀酸钾盐和叶酸有助于防止动脉硬化,减少胆固醇,降低血压。玉米中含有的不饱和脂肪酸成分,尤其是亚油酸,能减少血液胆固醇浓度,避免其堆积于血管壁。

3. **增强免疫力**:胡萝卜玉米排骨汤中的胡萝卜、玉米和排骨都含有多种维生素和矿物质,这些营养素有助于增强人体免疫力,促进体质恢复。

4. **美容护肤**:胡萝卜中富含维生素E,可以加速皮肤细胞再生,抑制肌肤老化,减少皱纹和色斑的形成。玉米中的谷胱甘肽成分在硒元素的参与下,能形成谷胱甘肽氧化酶,具有减缓衰老的功效。

5. **预防便秘**:胡萝卜和玉米都含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以刺激胃肠蠕动,促进胆固醇代谢,加快肠内毒素排出,对预防便秘有很好的效果。

6. **延缓衰老**:玉米中的谷胱甘肽成分有助于减缓衰老,适合担心衰老的女性食用。

7. **促进消化**:排骨和玉米都有助于健脾养胃,改善消化不良。

8. **适合人群广泛**:胡萝卜玉米排骨汤适合长期用眼、视力下降、夜盲、眼睛干燥、眼疲劳、脾胃虚寒、食滞体倦、消化不好、缺乏营养、削瘦、体虚柔弱、缺钙、骨质疏松、便秘的人群食用。



1. **清热解毒**:凉瓜具有很好的清热解毒作用,可以加快身体新陈代谢,排除体内毒素和多余代谢物,维持电解质平衡。

2. **润肠通便**:对于脾胃虚弱引起的消化不良、便秘等症状,凉瓜能通过促进肠道蠕动来缓解。

3. **美容养颜**:凉瓜内含的维生素成分能抑制皮肤黑色素的形成,起到美白护肤的效果,同时补充身体所需营养物质,提高机体免疫力。


4. **增进食欲**:苦瓜中的苦瓜甙和苦味素能增进食欲,健脾开胃。

5. **降血糖**:苦瓜的新鲜汁液含有类似胰岛素的物质,有助于降低血糖。

6. **降脂和降压**:苦瓜有助于降脂和降压,适合高血压和高血脂患者食用。

7. **提高免疫力**:苦瓜含有蛋白质成分及大量维生素C,能提高机体免疫功能。

8. **防癌抗癌**:苦瓜汁含有某种蛋白成分能加强巨噬能力,阻止恶性肿瘤生长。

9. **消暑**:凉瓜具有解暑效果,可以改善中暑引起的胸闷、身体发热等症状。

10. **利尿活血**:苦瓜所含的生物碱类物质奎宁有利尿活血、消炎退热、清心明目的功效。



1. **三七活血片**:三七活血片的主要功效包括活血、化瘀、止痛和止血。它对于急性腰扭伤、腰肌劳损、风湿痹痛等疾病有很好的治疗作用,同时对跌打损伤引起的关节肿痛、活动受限也有辅助治疗作用。此外,它还能对体内淤血导致的疼痛、脑供血不足、心脏病等疾病有一定的治疗效果。

2. **活血针**:活血针主要用于活血化瘀,疏通经络,止痛。它广泛应用于临床,治疗气血不通引起的各种症状,如胸闷、胸痛、头晕、头痛、失眠等。

3. **天山雪莲**:天山雪莲具有通经活血、散寒除湿的功效。它可以温肾助阳,适用于肾与小腹冷痛、白带多有异味等病症;祛风胜湿,适用于风寒湿痹痛、类风湿关节炎等病症;通脉活血,适用于月经失调、小腹冷痛、肝郁肾虚等。

4. **活血丹**:活血丹具有清热解毒、利湿、消肿止痛、散瘀血、活血化瘀等功效,能缓解四肢浮肿、虚胖的症状,预防尿路结石,抗菌、抗病毒,利胆,促进肝细胞再生,增强免疫功能。


5. **活血胶囊**:活血胶囊的功效是补气养血、活血化瘀、理气安神,适用于中老年人群出现的气血虚弱或血瘀所导致的相关症状。

6. **归芪活血胶囊**:归芪活血胶囊具有益气补肾、活血通络的功效,适用于肝肾亏虚或气滞血瘀所致的颈椎疾病、手足麻木、肩背部酸痛等。

7. **活血藤**:活血藤具有清热解毒、活血、祛风止痛的功效,主要用于肠痈腹痛、热毒疮疡、跌打损伤、瘀滞痛经、风湿痹痛等。


山竹,学名为Garcinia mangostana,是一种原产于东南亚的热带水果,因其独特的口感和丰富的营养价值而受到人们的喜爱。以下是山竹的一些主要益处:

1. **丰富的营养素**:山竹果肉含有可溶性固形物16.8%,柠檬酸0.63%,以及维生素B1、B2等多种维生素,还含有矿物质如镁、钙、磷、钾等。

山竹,学名为Garcinia mangostana,是一种原产于东南亚的热带水果,因其独特的口感和丰富的营养价值而受到人们的喜爱。以下是山竹的一些主要益处:

2. **滋补调养**:山竹含有丰富的蛋白质和脂类,对于身体虚弱、营养不良的人具有很好的滋补调养作用。

3. **润肤降火**:中医理论认为山竹具有清热降火的功效,对于常食辛辣食物、肝火旺盛、皮肤状况不佳(如痘痘)的人群,山竹可以帮助清热解毒,改善皮肤状况。

4. **减肥润肤**:山竹中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进消化和肠道蠕动,对于减肥和润肤有一定的帮助。

山竹,学名为Garcinia mangostana,是一种原产于东南亚的热带水果,因其独特的口感和丰富的营养价值而受到人们的喜爱。以下是山竹的一些主要益处:

5. **抗氧化作用**:山竹中含有的多种维生素和矿物质具有很好的抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。

6. **调节血糖**:研究表明,山竹可能有助于调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:山竹中的营养成分有助于增强机体的免疫力,预防疾病。




Less than ten minutes later, Mr. Yu led five colleagues into the food and lodging shop and knocked on the door to check.
After a while, the man surnamed Yu reached out and knocked on Wu Tianyin’s door after deliberately checking the two rooms.
I woke up early. Wu Tianyin frowned and listened to the knocking at the door and ordered, "Ah Hong, you go to the door."
"Mom will have a problem?" An Zai low asked 1.
"Don’t worry, don’t panic." Wu Tianyin pointed to the closet and said, "You stay there."
An Zai heard that Ah Hong went to the door and pulled the door and asked, "What’s the matter?"
"Lin Jian Ang!" The man surnamed Yu stepped into the room and turned his head and glanced around. "How many people are you?"
"Ha ha three" Wu Tianyin got up and replied with a smile.
"What are you doing in Jiangzhou?"
"Talk about some marine products business" Wu Tianyin replied softly.
"Ah," the young man surnamed Yu glanced at him. "Take out your documents and let me have a look."
Wu Tianyin nodded and took out three green certificates from the kang bag. "We don’t have a temporary residence permit. This is Songjiang."
The man surnamed Yu took the certificate and glanced at it smoothly and asked, "How many days have you been here?"
"Two days"
"How many days?"
"It may not take a week or so," Wu Tianyin replied with a smile. "We have to look at the goods."
Temporary zone passes are difficult to verify, because the crowd is too mobile, so this game should be of little significance.
After the man surnamed Yu swept his eyes, he returned the certificate to Wu Tianyin. "Go ahead and rest."
"hey!" Wu Tianyin nodded.
"Is there anything wrong with the team leader?" A police officer came in wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a micro-rush and asked 1
"Not to go to a store to look for it." The young man surnamed Yu replied in front of Wu Tianyin and then stepped out of the room and left with everyone.
Wu tianyin squinted at the back of everyone and walked over to the shopkeeper and asked, "what is this?"
"I heard that it was to catch some food." The shopkeeper replied smoothly, "Don’t worry, rest."
"Hehe, it’s fun." Wu Tianyin smiled back and said to Ahong, "Don’t you want to go to the toilet?"
"Ah," Hong instantly reacted and stepped out. "I’ll take a shit."
Outside the hospital
Yu surnamed the man immediately waved his hand and said, "Let’s go and find a fork in the road first."
"Is it his mother?" The co-pilot asked
"Mom B, this photo is too old." Yu surnamed the man frowned and said, "I’m not sure."
At this, the two cars almost turned forward together, left the visible position of the food and lodging shop and stopped at a path.
"You two hurry back and stare at them outside the courtyard." The man surnamed Yu told the driver.
After the car two people smell it, they immediately pushed the door and drove the car with a gun and quickly walked around the main entrance of the accommodation shop from the side road to the fork in the road on the left side of the back door of the courtyard.
After two or three minutes.
Ah Hong returned to the room. "There should be nothing wrong with the car leaving. It seems to be a surprise visit."
Wu Tianyin sat on the edge of the kang and thought it over for a long time, then immediately looked up and asked, "Is the boss in the yard?"
"It’s unloading at the door." Hong nodded.

"There is one more question," Xu Yang asked after thinking for a long time. "How can the situation change now? If the other party wants to start work, what defense will we take?"

"Yes," Ma Laoer nodded and agreed, "Whether the people behind Ling Ye can jump out to support us may depend on whether we can live first. If we can’t solve the problem of living at least, people will probably ignore us and say that we should be able to live in the first round. If we don’t live behind Ling Ye, we may negotiate a reasonable price, but if we don’t, the price they give will never be so high and true."
"Do you have a score?" The old cat rushed Qin Yu and asked
Qin Yu looked up at the crowd smoking a cigarette and said, "I’ve got the solution, but I have to lose some profits."
"What way?" The old cat asked
After hearing this, Qin Yuwen slowly got up and said with a clean eye, "Give up part of the profits of the drug line and invite new bosses to join the company in the city!"
The old cat was stuck at the smell.
"It’s not that I don’t understand what you mean." Ma Laoer asked with a clear eye. "How do you invite public bidding for this is a real business? And what is the purpose? "
Qin Yu turned to look at Ma Laoer and replied cheerfully, "Hehe, public bidding is just a saying, which means that if you let the wind out, you can say that we have enough goods in our hands to release goods on a large scale in the city. If the qualifications meet the requirements, you can talk to us."
Xu Yang’s eyes lit up when he heard this. "This is a trick!"
"What’s the purpose?" Ma laoer still doesn’t understand
"slot!" Qin Yuyu looked at Ma Laoer and reached out and knocked on the desktop and explained, "Our family strength can’t prevent Sangong from moving behind, but if we turn our own interests into everyone’s interests, Sangong will be offended if he wants to take medicine!"
Ma Laoer suddenly realized when he heard this.
Qin Yu put his hands on the desktop and turned his head to scan the crowd. He said, "The requirements for the new partner are very simple. First, they must have certain economic strength. Second, they must have certain influence on the ground. Third, the former business should not touch the bottom line of the public. If someone can meet these three points and want to purchase goods from us, that’s fine."
"How to distribute the benefits?" Ma Laoer asked
"If we want to absorb it quickly, we have to give up some profits so that we can pull people in for a short time." Qin Yu said after a long time, he stretched out two fingers and said, "The price of goods for the new partner is two achievements higher than our price, but we will eat this profit and leave it to them."
"Is that a limit?" Ma Laoer asked
"The quantity of goods should still be limited, but it should be increased by 20% or 30% compared with the previous quantity," Qin Yu replied in a low voice. "Only in this way can the new partner make more profits."
"But in this case, will there be a lot of pressure on Cocoa?" Ma Laoer is a little worried. "It’s hard to say whether their output can be distributed in our city."
"Cocoa there I’ll talk about" Qin Yu no doubt blunt Ma Laoer said "you give me a heart to drag people into the team now! What do you mean, if there is a big brother who values the profit of this line, then let them join us. We will not only transport the goods, but also sell them directly! "
"This condition will really attract many people to come in and work together." Xu Yang nodded in agreement.
"If you want profits to tie these people together, then the three public companies will try to grab everyone’s cake." Qin Yu gritted his teeth and said, "If we don’t take the lead in the struggle then, the vital interests of these people will be damaged, then we must work hard with the three public companies."
"Short-term interests binding others will really have an effect," said the old cat with a quick mind and a little worry. "But over time, this interest will appear fragile. To put it bluntly, it is a bit of a slap in the face."
"What you said is true" Qin Yu sighed and answered, "In fact, Yuan Ke and I have the same view on the medicine line, and we don’t want to rapidly expand the city flower distribution. But now if you don’t do this, we can’t compete with the old one ourselves, so we can pull everyone together."
"Yes" Xu Yang also nodded his head.
"But it’s not my goal to gather a group of people to go with Sangong gallants," Qin Yu said with a smile. "What I really want is to force the people behind Ling Ye out."
"Forced out?" The old cat asked doubtfully, "You mean …!"
"The people behind Ling Ye certainly don’t want the ghostly department on the ground to be mixed into this line." Qin Yu replied, "He must want to monopolize this industry like Sangong. If there are many people, it will be difficult to control it. I guess he will sit still when we move here."
"To do this, you have to talk to Coco so that she can guarantee the quantity." Ma Laoer woke up.
"I’ll talk," Qin Yu nodded. "All you have to do is draw people in!"
"It’s not difficult," Ma Laoer said with a smile. "Young Master Zhang in Pingdao District talked to me before dumping vegetables and grain pine wells in the south of the Yangtze River. They asked me if I wanted to disperse bulk cargo, but I didn’t answer at that time!"
"That young master Zhang in Pingdao District?" Xu yang asked
"Just that his father is the factory director’s brother-in-law of the first factory, and that Zhang is the staff officer of the third regiment of the garrison." Ma Laoer crossed his legs and answered.
"Ah, it’s him." Xu Yang nodded. "Isn’t he always contracting street snow removal in Pingdao District?"
"Yes, he made a fortune," Ma Laoer said with a smile. "I heard that he earned more than two million yuan in this job last year."
"Yes!" Qin Yu immediately nodded and said, "I’m going to bring this kind of person in! How much money does grassroots and Pingtou people have? How much does Sangong dare to rob! But the local tyrants and squires have to react if they move a penny. "
"There’s nothing wrong with this," the old cat immediately echoed. "When the superintendent was established for so long, the subsidy for each team was less, but the old team never paid money on time! I have never been rich with the old and I have never been sad about me. "
"Good" Qin Yu back hand said "it’s settled. Let’s walk on two legs. The second child and Xu Yang will go to Lianxinhefang. I will be reinstated in the team and then communicate with Cocoa about the quantity! We have to make sure that we make noise before the three movements. "
Everyone nodded in succession.
Sangong stepped in the corridor and dialed the words of the thin young man who was always by his side.
"hello? !”
"Tiger is going to transfer a sum of money to me," Sangong said bluntly. "If we find Qin Yu’s goods dealer, we will have to make a lot of money here."
The thin young man yawned and replied flatly, "You can do it. Money is not a problem."
Chapter 443 There is always a little warm sun on a gloomy day

"Don’t worry, Hank, I’ll be careful," Goofy said with a smile and then hung up.

Goofy’s not going to be cautious. Just go all the way and it’s over.
When I got home from work in the evening, Aunt Wang and Jessie came to visit us with big bags and small bags of ingredients. Goofy saved Jessie’s life in NYU, and Aunt Wang was telling her with gratitude.
Gao Fei has always been very welcome to Aunt Wang because Aunt Wang is simply the embodiment of food, which is more authentic than those Chinese restaurants in Brooklyn that have been influenced by local tastes or Chinese food cooked by Aunt Wang.
Three people were busy in the kitchen, and got together dinner, four dishes and one soup, and frying in Chinese food brought fireworks to Goofy’s deserted and monotonous apartment. An ordinary winter night actually had a Chinese New Year atmosphere.
When the dinner table apartment window has condensed a thick layer of water mist, through the water mist to see Brooklyn, the night is left with a halo like oil painting rendering.
Three people sit on the table and fly high. They pick up a piece of braised pork and eat it.
Aunt Wang looked at Goofy with a smile and nagged, "Eat slowly and don’t burn the child. Why don’t you swallow chopsticks as if you haven’t eaten for a day …"
Jessie ate elegantly and nibbled at a bowl of green vegetables, but Aunt Wang didn’t rush to move chopsticks to talk.
"Today things are really thrilling. Now children are so vicious! Isn’t it that I was caught cheating in the exam? I actually killed the teacher with a gun and killed my classmates … Why do you think there are so heartless people in the world? " Aunt Wang babbled, "And this gun … it’s too dangerous. I say it’s better to ban all the guns so it’s safer!"
Cheng Jieqian doesn’t agree with Aunt Wang’s point of view. "Mom, what does this have to do with banning guns? If this person is determined to retaliate against social knives, axes and hammers … It is not necessary to have a gun to kill or kill. What’s worse, this gangster’s gun body is forbidden. new york is not allowed to hold automatic rifles. "
"Oh hey, which side are you on? Why do you still refute your mother? " Aunt Wang caught a glimpse of Jessie’s dissatisfaction. "I said that I want to ban guns. Hello! Think about how dangerous it is today. You almost got shot! "
Cheng Jieqian knew that she couldn’t reason with Aunt Wang and went to eat silently with her head down.
At this time, Aunt Wang turned to fly again and became much gentler.
"Goofy, thank you so much today. I’ve heard from Jessie that all the students in your class would be dead if it weren’t for you!"
Goofy hurriedly laughed "Aunt you’re welcome"
Aunt Wang’s ambiguous smile was full of profound meaning. "I also heard Jessie say that you were not in the teaching building. As soon as I heard that Jessie was caught by gangsters, you rushed in without saying anything!"
When I heard that, I flew high and took a bite of braised pork and almost choked in my throat.
This is a dead end, right?
Aunt Wang, on the other hand, looked at Jessie more and more excitedly and said, "I don’t know what you young people think about this now, but if any guy did such a thing when I was young, I would be committed!" "
Gao Fei just swallowed braised pork and almost choked back. He quickly grabbed the glass and poured water on himself.
Cheng Jieqian but also can’t help but turn over a supercilious look abandon blame aunt wang "mom, can you do it? Say anything to the outside world, not afraid of people flying high jokes! "
"What’s this? I’m desperate to save your life, and I won’t say a few words of conscience! Jess, do you know how to repay kindness? Did he feed the dog all his heart to you? Can’t you show some respect to others? " Aunt Wang retorted quickly.
Cheng Jieqian’s collapse has been expressed on the way back. Do you want to say it again now? More importantly-do you want to show it on the spot in front of Ms. Wang? This is abnormal!
Goofy saw that the situation was getting more and more tense and quickly stepped forward to control the field.
"Ahem, aunt Wang, Jessie, she has already said that."
"really?" As soon as Aunt Wang heard it, she got excited and quickly asked, "How do you mean it?"
Cheng Jieqian I’m blue in the face "Wang Xiaoli! You are really my own mother! "
Aunt Wang ignored her at all and continued to ask Gao Fei with a smile. "Tell your aunt what this girl said?"
Goofy bluntly "kissed me" and pointed to his cheek.
Cheng Jieqian couldn’t wait to find a disappear.
"Goofy you a big pig’s trotters this kind of words can tell my mother? !”
However, Aunt Wang was in a good mood and laughed. "This is almost a bit of a sign."
At this point, Aunt Wang changed her temper. "But it also means that saving lives is not so easy to repay."
Cheng Jieqian’s face is already black. "Wang Xiaoli, what do you want?"
Unexpectedly, without waiting for Aunt Wang’s advice, Goofy suddenly whispered, "Actually, if you want to repay me, it’s easy. I have a ready-made method."
Aunt Wang quickly asked curiously, "What method?"
Cheng Jieqian was depressed and said, "Goofy, you’d better not make any bad ideas!"
Goofy smiled gently. "Don’t worry, it’s either a bad idea or a trivial matter."
Aunt Wang promised to be happy "no problem! Goofy, since you are willing to go through fire and water, Jessie will certainly do the same to you, won’t she? "
Without waiting for Jessie to answer Goofy, she shook her head and said, "No, Aunt Wang, I need you instead of Jessie this time."
"Huh?" Aunt Wang was caught off guard and then her face turned red. "Goofy, what do you want to do …"
Goofy was obsessed with Aunt Wang at that time. What are you thinking? !
Cheng Jieqian also looked alert. "Goofy, what do you want to do to my mother?"
Goofy is about to upset the table. You and your daughter are thinking about some restricted plot every day! ! !

Self-cultivation into a wonderful place is not false, and the other side is the peak of the three disasters. It is not false, but I really don’t know that Martin himself is reluctant to protect himself, but it is impossible to say that he wants to defeat the other side more than kill it.

The other party is a master in the martial arts of Dagan Dynasty, and these people pay attention to cooperation most. Moreover, although they are in the realm of three disasters, the avatar has not been abolished. Although the mana has been reduced, it does not affect the display of the avatar.
Now, the result is what it is now. Martin relies on the ofuda technique to be able to catch up with the other side, but as time goes by, the other side has learned fine for decades, and it is also in this world, so it is a big hunt.
With these people in the military of Dagan Dynasty coming to this world, the number of people grasping the teeth of Dagan Dynasty is increasing gradually, which leads to the fact that Martin is getting more and more difficult in this world today, and it is almost difficult.
"School sister, you still don’t take risks with me. You should quit and find a place to live in seclusion." Martin looked at the woman with the baby in her arms.
The woman shook her head when she heard the news. "Brother is not advising me that I can help him to look after the baby before he can rest assured to fight the enemy. If brother holds the baby in one hand and fights the enemy in the other, it’s really indecent. I’ve been getting along with this little guy for nearly a hundred years, but I can’t bear to give up at this time."
Martin heard it for a long time before he sighed, "It’s a pity that my brother shouldn’t have dragged you in that year, which made it difficult for you to pull it out in the future."
"Brother, my mind is not white? If you give birth to me, I will accompany you to give birth to you. If you die, I will accompany you to die. Don’t persuade me. "Although the female face is gentle and lovely, it reveals a kind of perseverance.
"Alas," what can Chen Fengde say if he can have such a woman as a life-and-death commitment?
"Bad this group of bastards actually chased the brother again to decorate this place and give these guys a taste of scraping off." Martin suddenly changed his face at this time, but he saw a letter from the palm of his hand, which was held in his hand by Martin, sensing the endless emptiness in the distance. Martin changed his face and instantly sank into the earth and rocks, and all the fluctuations converged.
"Go" Martin instantly took the female hand and fled to the distant mountains.
Not long after they left, they saw the virtual turmoil and the clouds landed here. For the sake of more than a dozen monks, they kept looking at the whole site and seemed to be searching for Chen Fengdong.
All of a sudden, there was a strange fluctuation from the earth. At this time, all the monks were furious and discolored. When the magic was not good, they wanted to rush out immediately, but they didn’t want to make a virtual turmoil. The earth suddenly collapsed and the rubble flew out and turned upside down. The protective mask of the monks was smashed into a sieve and died here.
It was turned upside down and dusty, and only the bodies were left after the dust settled
For a long time, I just saw a series of dark clouds in the distance, and I came here to live with my feet.
Looking at the mutilated corpses all over the ground, the face remained the same. A big man dressed in a black robe with an iron face and a steel mask slowly came forward and gently picked up the soil. There was a trace of murder in his eyes. "It’s the Taiping Road landslide. I didn’t expect this small strength to become stronger and stronger. If we can’t kill it early, it will inevitably become a catastrophe in the future. We will die of old age in this small world."
Beside the man in black, there were three men with the same decorations, who bowed their heads and constantly explored the breath in the soil. After a while, another man said, "This little charm road has become stronger again, so we must strangle it if we want to let it grow."
"I didn’t expect the poison of the years to make this bastard have the power of immortality. If he can’t strangle Taiping Road again, he can find a node and play a small world node. Even if we fail, we will only die and face the sky."
"Don’t be so pessimistic. This time, this little animal will never run away. All forces have been mobilized to surround the whole mountain forest. The deep mountain forest has sent hands to provoke the tide of animals. At that time, whether this little animal continues to go deep into the mountain forest or quits, it will be faced with a fatal disaster. The little animal is not worth killing. Any monk can kill it."
"hmm? Brother, something is wrong. Why is the mountain forest so quiet? " Martin woman continued to move towards the depths of the wild forest, but after a long distance, the woman’s face suddenly changed with a little doubt in her eyes.
Martin stopped moving for a moment and saw a blue charm in his hand, which was instantly stuck between his eyes and his eyebrows, and a divine light shone for nine days and ten minutes, only to see Martin suddenly face a change. "No, the monster beast in the depths of the mountain didn’t know what stimulus it was, and ran out desperately. If you and I are facing the beast tide, even if there is a sky, it will be swallowed up and extinguished by the monster beast."
"That how to do? Otherwise, let’s withdraw "female is wrinkly to knit the brows wrinkle.
"No, those extra-territorial strong people must be decorated outside. If you and I rush out, I will even fall into each other’s calculations." Martin vetoed it.
The woman in black smell speech shook her head and didn’t recognize Martin’s words. "Even if the other party has decorated tight encirclement, can it be like? It’s not like we haven’t been killed from the other side. What’s worse, with the help of the beast tide, we can hide in the beast tide and use the beast tide force to wash away the other side’s layout and make the other side suffer heavy losses. "
Chen Fengwen’s words are hesitant, but it is difficult to decide. As time goes by, Martin feels that it is difficult to deal with those monks outside the country. It is not that those monks are powerful enough to match their own methods, but that the other side’s control power is gradually maturing, and more and more masters are growing, but they are as powerful as that one.
"Either be torn apart by the tide of beasts or break through each other’s defense and escape from birth. Brother, you choose one." The woman looked at Martin.
Martin paced back and forth in the same place for a while before he suddenly stamped his foot. "Forget it. You can’t be counted by the other side in the risk of wealth. I will use the power of beast tide to break through each other’s defense. Let’s try it this time. If we succeed, we can escape from the natural world. If we fail, we are afraid of dying. It’s not as good as people. This number of monsters don’t know how the beast tide actually happened. It’s really hateful."
Said Martin hand streamer flashing constantly bear French seal in the system of operator paper.
All kinds of attack runes are the same, and they are all refined by Martin. It is always good to be prepared for the unprecedented crisis.
"Master, I’m afraid I didn’t have a chance to go to Taiping Road in the world, and I don’t know where you’ve been these years. It’s really beyond my power for me to deal with these guys alone." Looking at the gold pieces in my hand, Martin couldn’t help but feel sad.
In Martin’s heart, he kept complaining about his master, but he saw that his feet and the earth were shaking, the mountains were trembling, and the birds and animals were oppressing with a monstrous potential, which made people breathless.
Chapter 14 wai kill
A roar shook the earth, and the vitality was disordered. Several monster beasts rushed out from the depths of the mountains.
At first glance, I can see that there are many monsters everywhere. It seems that the monster beast army is passing through the ocean, and everything in the world is instantly broken and the mountains and rivers are turned into dust.
"Are you ready?" Martin looked at the woman.
The woman tightened her arms, and the baby firmly tied the rope to her chest. Looking at Martin, she nodded and faced the monstrous momentum. Although she looked a little pale, she remained as cool as a cucumber without any panic. "Brother, don’t worry."
The sound is calm, but there is a slight trembling in the calm. Obviously, this woman’s heart is not as calm as the surface shows.
"Mo Yan, school sister, if you and I can get through this robbery, we must form a couple. Since then, we will never leave each other." Martin looked calm and his clothes were hunting in the wind, but his eyes did not waver.
Hearing this, Mo Yan’s eyes suddenly brightened, and before one step, he slowly reached out and grasped Martin’s palm.
Martin froze and then slowly relaxed to pull Mo Yan beside him and whispered "Hold me tight".
Mo Yan smell speech arm slightly shy slowly encircle Martin waist.
I don’t know how many two ofuda in Martin’s hand were buckled in his hand when I looked at the overwhelming monster beast covering the sky.
The beast tide has arrived in the crowd soon. Looking at the monster roaring in front of Martin, I rushed to Martin with fierce gas to tear him apart.
Martin instantly took a step to realize the cool breeze and teleported, and then in his hand, he flashed a letter to the operator on his chest. All the air machines and tools in his whole body were instantly hidden, and even his figure was gone.
This is a well-known symbol of Taiping Road, which is called "stealth and stealth symbol", which can instantly block all the qi activities around the monk and has stealth effect.
Martin suddenly disappeared, and the monster beast jumped for a moment, but it was suddenly fighting together. The scene was a mess.
Looking at the overwhelming monster beast Martin didn’t dare to delay to have a letter to fly out again.
In this herd, unless it is that kind of strength, it will be trampled into blood mud by several monster beasts.