
1. **蛋白质含量高**:羊蝎子富含高质量的蛋白质,是人体必需氨基酸的良好来源,有助于肌肉的生长和修复。


2. **钙质丰富**:羊蝎子含有大量的钙质,有助于骨骼和牙齿的健康,对于预防骨质疏松尤其有益。

3. **低脂肪、低胆固醇**:相较于其他高脂肪的肉类,羊蝎子的脂肪和胆固醇含量较低,有利于心血管健康。

4. **滋阴补肾**:羊蝎子具有滋阴补肾的功效,对于肾气不足、腰膝酸软、四肢发冷等症状有缓解作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:羊蝎子中的营养成分可以增强人体的免疫力,帮助抵抗疾病。

6. **促进消化**:羊蝎子中的肉和骨髓含有丰富的脂肪和蛋白质,可以增加消化酶的分泌,帮助脾胃消化。

7. **养颜护肤**:羊蝎子中含有的营养成分有助于增强皮肤张力,消除皱纹,达到养颜护肤的效果。

8. **补肝明目**:羊蝎子中的一些羊肉成分具有补肝明目的作用,对于治疗产后贫血、夜盲、白内障等眼部疾病有一定效果。

9. **强壮骨骼**:羊蝎子有“补钙之王”的美誉,长时间炖煮有利于钙质的吸收,对于老年人预防骨质疏松有积极作用。

10. **适合多种人群**:羊蝎子的营养价值使其成为老少皆宜的食物,尤其适合肾虚、体虚、消化不良等人群食用。



### 药效:

1. **滋阴潜阳**:醋鳖甲能够滋阴潜阳,适用于阴虚火旺、肾气不足等症,对于头晕耳鸣、腰膝酸软等症状有缓解作用。

2. **软坚散结**:用于治疗肝脾肿大、症瘕积聚等疾病,能够软坚散结,帮助消散体内结块。

3. **收敛解毒**:对于体内热毒堆积、皮肤刺激、疮疡等症状,醋鳖甲可以帮助排除毒素,收敛伤口。

4. **化瘀止痛**:适用于气血运行异常、跌打扭伤后引起的局部肿胀疼痛。

5. **提升免疫力**:含有多种微量元素和营养成分,有助于提高人体免疫力。

6. **抗疲劳**:现代研究显示,醋鳖甲具有一定的抗疲劳作用。

7. **抗肿瘤**:有研究表明,醋鳖甲具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。

8. **增加骨密度**:对于骨质疏松等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

### 影响:

1. **副作用**:醋鳖甲可能会引起一些副作用,如腹泻、胃痛等。

2. **禁忌人群**:孕妇、脾胃虚弱者应慎用或禁用醋鳖甲。

3. **与其他药物的相互作用**:醋鳖甲与其他药物可能存在相互作用,使用时应遵医嘱。

4. **饮食禁忌**:服用醋鳖甲期间,饮食宜清淡,避免辛辣刺激食物。


5. **用药指导**:建议在专业医生的指导下使用醋鳖甲,以确保用药安全有效。



1. **营养丰富**:九吉公红糖富含多种营养成分,如钙、铁、锌、锰、镁、钾、麦芽糖、氨基酸、蛋白质、明胶原、骨胶原和维生素B族等,这些成分易于人体吸收,对提高身体素质具有积极作用。

2. **暖宫驱寒**:九吉公红糖具有温补的特性,对于女性来说,能够有效缓解宫寒痛经,对月经不调、手脚冰凉等问题有调理作用。

3. **补血养血**:对于血虚和贫血的人群,九吉公红糖能够起到很好的补益作用,帮助补充血液,增强体质,提高免疫力。

4. **美容养颜**:九吉公红糖中的多种营养成分有助于养颜美容,延缓衰老,对女性的皮肤健康有益。


5. **健脾养胃**:对于男性来说,九吉公红糖有助于健脾养胃,护肝解酒,缓中止痛,养肾固本,缓解疲劳。

6. **促进健康**:九吉公红糖对于老人和孩子也有益,可以增加身体所需的营养,提高机体抵抗力。

7. **产后恢复**:对于产后妇女,九吉公红糖有助于恢复体力,促进子宫收缩、恶露排出和乳汁分泌。

8. **缓解疲劳**:在进行大量运动或高负荷劳作后,喝九吉公红糖水可以迅速补充能量,缓解身体疲劳。

9. **调节肠道**:九吉公红糖还有助于润肠通便,对于消化系统健康有积极作用。


10. **增强体质**:九吉公红糖的多种功效共同作用,有助于增强体质,提高人体免疫力。



### 1. 基本原理

### 2. 通信方式


### 3. 技术实现
– **北斗短报文SoC芯片**:电科芯片公司开发的北斗短报文SoC芯片是北斗卫星通信功能的关键部件,它将北斗短报文服务集成到手机等智能终端中。
– **手机端应用**:如华为nova 13系列和荣耀X60 Pro等手机支持北斗卫星短信功能,这需要手机内置相应的芯片和软件支持。

### 4. 优势
– **无地面网络覆盖区域也能通信**:在地面网络信号无法覆盖的情况下,北斗卫星通信功能可以保证用户的基本通信需求。
– **增强安全性**:在紧急情况下,如户外探险、搜救等,北斗卫星通信功能可以帮助用户快速发送求救信息。
– **拓展应用场景**:除了个人通信,北斗卫星通信功能还可以应用于公共安全、交通运输、农业等领域。

### 5. 发展趋势
– **普及化**:北斗卫星通信功能逐渐被下放到更多手机型号,包括千元机,使得更多消费者能够享受到这一服务。
– **技术升级**:随着北斗系统的不断完善,北斗卫星通信功能将提供更快的传输速度、更高的通信质量和更广泛的应用场景。

### 6. 使用注意事项
– **单独订阅**:部分北斗卫星通信功能可能需要单独订阅,产生额外的使用费用。
– **手机支持**:并非所有手机都支持北斗卫星通信功能,购买时需注意手机型号是否具备这一功能。



1. **抗菌消炎**:金霉素眼药膏的主要成分是金霉素,这是一种四环素类广谱抗生素。它能够抑制细菌蛋白质的合成,从而抑制眼部常见革兰阳性细菌及沙眼衣原体的生长,达到消炎和杀菌的效果。

2. **治疗细菌性结膜炎**:金霉素眼药膏对细菌性结膜炎有显著疗效,如金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌等引起的结膜炎。

3. **治疗麦粒肿及细菌性眼睑炎**:对于由细菌感染引起的麦粒肿和细菌性眼睑炎,金霉素眼药膏也有良好的治疗效果。

4. **治疗沙眼**:沙眼是一种由沙眼衣原体引起的传染性眼病,金霉素眼药膏对沙眼衣原体有抑制作用,可以用于治疗沙眼。

5. **术后使用**:金霉素眼药膏也可以用于眼部手术后的护理,以抑制细菌滋生,促进伤口愈合。



– **遵医嘱使用**:金霉素眼药膏应在医生的指导下使用,不建议患者自行购买使用。
– **正确使用方法**:使用前要确保眼部清洁,将管口远离手和眼睛,防止污染。
– **不宜长期连续使用**:金霉素眼药膏不宜长期连续使用,一般使用3到4天,如果症状未缓解,应停药就医。
– **可能出现副作用**:部分患者可能会出现眼部不适、充血、眼痒、水肿等副作用,如果出现这些症状,应停药并咨询医生。
– **儿童使用**:儿童使用金霉素眼药膏时,必须在成人监护下进行。



1. **美容养颜**:鲨鱼皮中含有丰富的胶原蛋白和粘多糖,这些成分能够促进肌肤细胞的活性,帮助肌肤保持光滑和细腻,从而起到美容养颜的效果。

2. **抗衰老与抗氧化**:胶原蛋白的补充有助于抑制体内黑色素的生成,减缓衰老过程,同时,鲨鱼皮中的抗氧化成分有助于抵抗自由基的损害。

3. **抗癌作用**:鲨鱼皮中含有白细胞素,尤其是亮氨酸,被认为具有抗癌作用,可以预防和抑制癌细胞的发展。

4. **辅助治疗疾病**:鲨鱼皮被认为可以辅助治疗胃病、肺病等疾病,对消化不良和肺痨有一定的缓解作用。

5. **增强体质与免疫力**:由于鲨鱼皮含有丰富的蛋白质,这些蛋白质是免疫细胞所需的营养物质,有助于提升免疫细胞的活性,增强人体免疫力。


6. **调节内分泌**:鲨鱼皮中的某些成分被认为有助于调节人体的内分泌功能,增强体质。


7. **改善睡眠**:鲨鱼皮可以帮助缓解失眠、多梦、健忘等症状。



Road flyover Dragon and Tiger over there is delighted. "I didn’t expect this little thief to have this magical power to suppress this mountain, which will inevitably delay Lei Shou from moving several mountains to press it, and Lei Shou will inevitably fall to the ground."

"Ha, ha, ha, friendly avatar" laughed with money soap.
Mo Xie is also smiling. "It’s time to move mountains and move stones, and this Lei Shou should be robbed."
But for a moment, all the people changed color in succession, and the road flyover Dragon Tiger roared, "I dare to stand upright."
"Run" Mo Xie’s instantaneous streamer grabbed the red fish and fled out.
However, I saw that the mountains in the hands of Jade Duxiu suddenly had a turning point, not hitting that Lei Shou, but hitting everyone. "Ha ha ha, this Lei Shou is mine, and no one wants to rob me."
Jade Duxiu stand in front of Lei Shou high-spirited way
"You’re crazy. This Lei Shou is temporarily trapped and hasn’t been dropped yet. You’re actually causing chaos." Road flyover Dragon Tiger said in disgust.
Money soap also thundered, "If you want to die, this Lei Shou may break free from Xuanjin Eupolyphaga Net at any time and don’t stop it quickly."
Jade Duxiu disdains to say, "You don’t always scare children. If you think this innate beast is a cub, you can break away from the magic weapon."
Jade Duxiu looked at the body and everyone secretly said to the Lei Shou tone, "Lei Shou, Lei Shou, I can help you get here. You can escape from Xuanjin Eupolyphaga Network as soon as possible. I’ll help you stall these hateful guys first."
I don’t know if Lei Shou can understand Jade Duxiu, but it doesn’t matter if Lei Shou is poor in talent and has a lot of luck. If it grows up, it must be a vertical and horizontal party to help. This Lei Shou will inevitably add fate to itself. Killing Lei Shou and having karma to help Lei Shou will certainly be beneficial.
"Little you die" Road flyover Dragon and Tiger looked at the desperately struggling Lei Shou immediately worried about the sleeve shaking, but saw Yi Long a tiger rushing out of its sleeve in an instant.
Dragon is a dragon, a tiger or a tiger
That thousand feet of Gao Shanfeng seems to be a wall in front of the dragon at this time, that’s all.
"I’ll pester him, and you can make Lei Shou quickly," Road flyover Dragon Tiger roared.
Over there, Mo Xie and others instantly flew up and wanted to use their magic to drag Lei Shou to the ground, but the cold light flashed in their eyes "no way"
Jade Duxiu’s surging mana instantly shifted the mountain peak to the distant Mo Xie and others to suppress it, but he faced the dragon face to face.
I don’t pay attention to the suppression towards Qian Zao and others, and the jade mountain peaks stand alone. Looking at the dragon flying towards me, there is a flash of cold light in its eyes, and the oldest majesty gushes out from itself, "I dare to offend you."
It belongs to the blood majesty of Zulong, and all dragons have restraint for the day.
This breath is ancient and boundless, which seems to make people return to the early years of chaos. The magic of the dragon, a whining body, was unexpectedly out of control and fell out of control, and the clouds smashed the ground peaks.
Although the dragon bowed down and the tiger was shocked by the jade show, it was a moment before it came to its senses, and its teeth were full of fishy smell and it came to bite the jade show.
"Dry Kun in the palm of your hand" Jade Duxiu’s eyes are full of emotional fluctuations. Looking at the tiger coming at me, he slowly stretched out his left hand.
This palm is like a pale hand covering the heavens, and the universe has been blocked for nine days and ten places, but it has all the majesty. The tiger is shrinking in the palm of its hand.
Seeing that Jade Duxiu is about to seize the tiger, Road flyover Dragon and Tiger over there is impatient. He calls himself Road flyover Dragon and Tiger, and now I don’t know if the dragon lives or dies if it loses its fighting power, it will be greatly reduced.
Road flyover "vertical chan dare" Dragon Tiger angrily rejected a moment and stretched out his right hand to call Jade Duxiu swept over.
"Roar ~ ~ ~"
"Yin ~ ~ ~"
Long Yin and Hu Xiao shook the heavens and the earth towards Jade Duxiu, and the clouds were instantly shaken. Jade Duxiu was slightly swaying and her mana was instantly loose.
This is the Dragon-Tiger Road People’s Congress’s magical power to surrender the dragon and the tiger.
That horrible sound wave actually shattered the magic of the jade solo in such an instant, and the tiger suddenly escaped from the shackles of the law of dry Kun in the palm of his hand with a roar.
Look at the oncoming jade show, heavy mana and several robbery forces in operation.
"bang!" Jade Duxiu flies out, even if there is a great robbery, it is constantly offsetting the jade Duxiu’s previous mana and rushing to display his magical powers, and he has lost the lead.
"Shout" Jade Duxiu was hit for dozens of miles and suddenly stopped in the virtual space. Looking at the distant road flyover Dragon and Tiger, Jade Duxiu showed a new color. "The road flyover Dragon and Tiger is really extraordinary, and the dragon tiger will also drop."
Jade Duxiu was injured in the whole body, and all the doom was absorbed by the black lotus on the top of his head, and the injury was instantly recovered.
This is the miracle of great robbery and exhaustion.
"Stop it for me!" Qian Zao and others smashed the mountain and denounced Yu Duxiu. "You’re fucking crazy. That Lei Shou has not really been suppressed. If you go here like this, we’ll all have to fight for nothing."

The emperor said lightly, "Since Wei Qing’s family is so difficult, it’s always possible for you to recommend a candidate."

The emperor naturally knew that Wei Yun didn’t have this ability, but he couldn’t be too lenient or too strict with his subjects, which was the king’s way.
Wei Yunxin suddenly knew that this was finally over, but if he couldn’t come up with a good candidate, I’m afraid it would be difficult.
He said, "I do have a candidate to recommend to the emperor."
The emperor motioned for him to get up and continue to say
Wei Yun got up and said cautiously, "Recently, the most important figure in the changing of the brothel of Jianghu underworld forces is Chang Jian. Although Huo Tianqing, the owner of Li Zhichang’s current brothel, can’t talk about Li Zhichang’s bidding, the two of them are even worse. Since the First World War of Changqiao, Li Zhichang Wanglong has been catching up with Baiyun City Lord Ye Gucheng, which is better than Shaolin Temple’s great compassion Zen master and wu-tang clan elders’ wooden Taoist. If he is declared to enter Beijing to take the position of six doors, he will always be able to shock black and white."
The emperor stared at Wei Yun for a long time and didn’t talk. Wei Yun was cold and sweaty. Finally, he smiled and said, "If you approve this matter, you have to go to Wei Qing’s house in person. If Li Zhichang doesn’t come to Wei Qing’s house, you will stay there." When it comes to the last sentence, the emperor’s tone becomes non-violation.
Wei Yunchang breathed a sigh of relief and finally passed this next thing. It is like saying that Li Zhichang will be the head of the Six Doors.
Wei Yun, of course, knew that the candidate in the emperor’s mind was Li Zhichang. Now that Li Zhichang’s martial arts had reached this point, they realized that it would be easy for Li Zhichang to kill the emperor that day, but Li Zhichang still had the power to protect the emperor. It can be said that Li Zhichang would not harm the emperor.
Such people deserve their peace of mind. What’s worse, Li Zhichang didn’t master the brothel after helping Huo Tianqing seize it. According to their news, the brothel operation is still controlled by Huo Tianqing, which means that Li Zhichang is not an ambitious person.
People with ambition and strong desire often want to control everything in their own hands instead of being a shopkeeper like Li Zhichang.
But this is also the point that Wei Yun can’t understand most. If Li Zhichang is a man indifferent to fame and fortune, he will suddenly help Huo Tianqing. What good will it do him? Wei Yun’s problem now is to persuade Li Zhichang to be willing to go to Beijing to take the lead in six doors.
Li Zhichang’s residence is not hard to find, and Wei Yun found it easily.
Seeing Li Zhichang and Wei Yun again has a different feeling. Li Zhichang is still the same Li Zhichang and he didn’t change when they saw him in the strip that night. But Wei Yun’s eyes were filled with awe. Who can subvert the power pattern of Jianghu overnight, kill the Emei Sect leader Dugu Yihe and defeat such masters as Yan Tieshan and Huo Xiu in World War I must be respected.
There may be many masters in the Jianghu who can’t leave the world behind, but Wei Yun never believes that anyone can do it in Li Zhichang. After seeing this young man in white, Wei Yun respectfully gave a ceremony saying, "Wei Yun has met Mr. Li."
His courtesy is from the bottom of his heart. After all, he is still half of the Jianghu people who advocate force.
Li Zhichang was not surprised to see Wei Yun, or it was hard for him to be surprised by most things in the world. Li Zhichang asked Wei Yun to sit on his left hand side and smiled slightly. "Wei Xiong has never been in the capital. How come he has traveled long distances to Shemo? Wei Xiong has retired from his job and resigned as the main manager to have leisure to travel around."
Wei Yun said, "Don’t make fun of Mr. Li. Didn’t Brother Li notice me at the chaotic stall that day?" Wei Yun knew the influence of the brothel. I’m afraid someone had already informed Li Zhichang and Huo Tianqing about his origin. Naturally, he was also investigated clearly, and he was not surprised that Li Zhichang could tell his origin in one breath.
Li Zhichang patted his forehead and smiled. "But I remember. Is it really today that people invited to eat that day?"
Wei Yun-dao is "a saint today"
Li Zhichang carefree way "no wonder I saw him when it’s really expensive, so it seems Wei Xiong it’s three halls".
Wei Yun embarrassedly said, "You can’t say that Mr. Li is now interested in coming to the imperial court for Megatron to condescend to the position of chief catcher of Six Doors. The so-called" Being generous and helping the poor, being alone "doesn’t Mr. Li feel a wave in the grass?"
Li Zhichang suddenly realized, "It turned out that the court couldn’t find anyone who could hold the court down for a while because of the resignation of six doors Jin Jiuling, but it thought of me?"
Wei Yun sighed, "I didn’t expect the influence of the brothel to be so vast. If Li Xiong is the chief catcher of the six doors, it will actually benefit the brothel greatly."
Li Zhichang said softly, "Brother Wei is afraid that I won’t agree. Now you are really wrong."
Wei Yun said, "Is Mr. Li really willing to take the post of chief catcher of Six Doors?" Even he couldn’t believe this, and he felt that Li Zhichang’s hope of sexual promise was very slim. He also held it for a long time before Li Zhichang’s tone would loosen.
I didn’t expect Li Zhichang’s tone to be like Yi Yi, and he agreed to let him prepare many rhetoric and other ways to not send a field.
Li Zhichang was surprised. "Is he a very cold person at ordinary times? It’s not a big deal for a national chivalrous person to contribute to heaven and man."
Wei Yun said, "Mr. Li is really not a joke."
Li Zhichang said seriously, "I’m joking, Brother Wei, but don’t take it seriously."
Wei Yun was choked by Li Zhichang’s words, and he didn’t know what medicine Li Zhichang sold in the gourd until he repeatedly confirmed that Li Zhichang was really willing to go to Beijing to be the chief catcher of six doors. However, Li Zhichang actually asked Wei Yun to invite him to the imperial edict to spread the Jianghu, but he didn’t know what it meant. Since Li Zhichang simply agreed to this little request, Wei Yun was naturally satisfied with him.
After seeing Wei Yun off, Li Zhichang spent a lot of time in the house looking out of the window and secretly said, "I didn’t expect the emperor to let me go to Six Doors to be the chief catcher. If I accept four disciples in the future, will it be very interesting?" This is something he can hear and the meaning of cold-blooded, affectionate, iron-handed, and chasing after death is clear to him in this world.

At his side, nine ferocious skulls suddenly appeared, and evil spirits filled his eyes, braved the faint green light and stared at Su Mo!

A figure broken and surprisingly fast instant came to Sue ink near hand came toward Sue ink shoulder.
Only Luo Cha people can explode at such a horrible speed.
And jade Russian body Luo Cha family less master faster!
She was obviously reserved, didn’t sacrifice her life, and didn’t shoot Su Mo’s shoulder with her dead hand.
Jade Russian stared at Su Mo’s divine voice. "It’s not too much for you to bully me for so long."
"Want to teach me? You think too much. "
At jade raksha Su Mo light.
Just behind the fierce clan to instant Su Mo, a pair of wings flashed with Lei Guang arcs.
There is a tiny gap between the eyebrows and the eyes, but there are several runes emerging, and the chaos is filled as if the beginning of heaven and earth is going to break everything!
A black light arrival!
Canmu was the last one to shoot, but this raven arrived first!
It’s a pity that it’s in this way that the raven arrival instant Su Mo shape has disappeared in situ.
The ethereal wing escape technique and the golden light three escape techniques broke out at the same time and rushed out directly from the hands of several fierce families and less masters!
A few fierce families and less main offensive tribes!
All the fierce families and young lords have long forgotten what fair rules are, what to fight alone and attack the wild weapons at the same time!
Su Mo’s figure has just come out.
Two figures with golden flames swooped in, like falling from the sky and burning everything in the hot sun!
The two great families of the Sun have found the opportunity to give Sumo a breather!
But Su Mo appeared in the blink of an eye and broke the bow!
The bowstring is condensed with a powerful long arrow with horrible breath!
It seems that the power of the long arrow to break this arrow will penetrate the sun of the seventh, tenth, second and third feet!
The two great families of the Sun rushed to Su Mogen too quickly, and it is no longer necessary to try to dodge again!
At the same time, the two great families of the Sun made moves.
The two great claws grasped this magic long arrow at the same time and smashed it to pieces.
But the two great suns were also shocked!
The seventh strongest force is to feel the sun’s feet slightly numb.
And the tenth Tai-year-old’s minimum combat power is weak. This arrow shocked his body to surge with qi and blood, and the foot of the sun has lost consciousness!
Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh
Su Mo pulls the bow and shoots three arrows in succession!
The first arrow shot at the nine skulls that flew by.
Although this dry bone spell is powerful and evil, it is a spell method after all, and it still has not got rid of the mana.
All kinds of spells are vulnerable to the bow!
These nine ferocious skulls were shot through by a magic long arrow.
Instead of stopping the mana long arrow for a moment, its own mana is absorbed by the long arrow, which makes the aura of the mana long arrow more horrible and faster!
After several eyes watched the magic arrow pass through the nine skulls, the nine skulls disappeared!
And the mana long arrow has turned into a huge spear with a deep green light and stabbed at the ghost witch!
"I …!"
Ghost witch’s face changed and he almost swore!
His flesh and blood, not to mention hard shaking this huge spear, is doomed even if it is scraped a little by it!
"Transposition and transposition!"
The ghost witch suddenly drank a little and released a secret technique, waving a staff and pointing at a witch around him!
The ghost witch’s body suddenly disappeared from its original place.
Instead, the witch next to him!
The two men exchanged positions in the eyes of the public!
Although it is a short-distance transposition, it allows the ghost witch to survive from the huge spear!
In fact, transposition is a little magical power.
Ghost Wu Gong was promoted to half-ancestor only after he realized a little magical power.
He can exchange places with people around him now, but it won’t work if he is farther away
And if this little magical power realizes the ultimate, it may evolve into a peerless magical power-fighting and shifting stars!

This is a period of rapid rise after the blood giant’s blood dividend suddenly merged with blood, and the powerful blood talent detonated its accumulated potential in several years, and it will slow down when it is upgraded to a certain extent.

However, its potential will also be great, and the road will be further after the promotion.
"Don’t be ill, venerable sir." Yu Guihai said hello with a smile.
"Don’t go outside and say, go in and see my abode of fairies and immortals." Da Ying Zun immediately invited Yu Guihai to enter the valley.
Two huge caves have been dug up on the cliffs on both sides of the valley. The caves are painted with blood, and the general runes contain powerful forbidden powers.
You can see all kinds of powerful aquatic animals and all kinds of precious exotic flowers and grasses in the river valley water.
When they came to the abode of fairies and immortals, they exchanged pleasantries for a while and went straight to the point.
"What have you considered about the blood fusion of the venerable sea giant?"
The fusion of sea giants’ blood is intended to make all sea giants fuse, and all blood giants’ blood families return to the blood giants.
However, it was later found that the blood giants’ veins are all powerful talents, and only a few sea giants’ talents can be integrated.
If all sea giants fuse their blood, I’m afraid there will be many casualties and few people will live.
So they let a few geniuses merge, and others didn’t continue to merge.
The venerable Tathagata is ready to find a kind of peace before merging with others.
If you really can’t find the blood giant’s blood, it can also be used as a family reward to reward the descendants of the talented giant.
It is these veins that will gradually break up as time goes by, and there will definitely be a lot of blood waves.
It is also a helpless way.
When the venerable Da Ying heard this, he shook his head in a dark face and said, "I didn’t find any way. All those veins you gave me were wasted, and hundreds of younger brothers died, but the chances of success were only three."
"I’m afraid we can adopt a safe method!" Da Wei honour person sighed.
"venerable sir, don’t worry. I found a way. It may be feasible, but the effect is unknown without testing." Yu Guihai pondered and said.
"What way?" Da ying honour person eyes a bright expectation asked.
"I got a blood giant from the secret realm a few years ago, and I have been realizing that this way of bearing me came from it," Yu Guihai said.
"Tell me!" Da Wei venerable person smells more and looks forward to it.
The secret land is the authentic secret land of blood giants, but it is more mysterious than the means of sea giants. Maybe there is a good way to solve this problem.
"It’s very simple. There is a method to split and share the blood of a single blood giant. The thin sea giant method bears the blood of the blood giant. It is not because the blood force is too large to meet the requirements of its innate conditions that it will explode and die."
"If a blood giant’s blood is divided into ten parts, will many people be able to bear the integration easily?" Yu Guihai immediately tells the story.
"It is so! This method is absolutely feasible. You wait here for me to call a few people to try it. "Da Ying Zun Wen’s words are a clap of thighs, and he can’t help but rush out of the abode of fairies and immortals to find someone.
Soon the venerable Da Ying returned to the abode of fairies and immortals, bringing with him ten young sea giants.
Yu Guihai’s eyes swept away and immediately saw that these ten people had different talents, three of which belonged to Xiaotian, three of which belonged to Zhongcai and four of which were not geniuses.
In his heart, he immediately realized that it was necessary to experiment and see what degree of blood people with different qualifications could bear.
Although there will be some sacrifices, it can maximize the blood giant’s blood. Otherwise, everyone needs to integrate a little, which is absolutely safe. However, the blood giant’s blood is absolutely shallow, which is more effective than not having much advantage to restore the glory of the ancient blood giant.
"Hai Litong, these ten young people are all willing to devote themselves to our family’s plans. Let’s experiment first." Da Ying Zun said, pointing to ten young sea giants.
"I am waiting for the bodhi old zu!" Ten sea giants all showed a look of death and said
"Ha ha, your courage is commendable, but you can rest assured that I will definitely try my best to ensure your safety."
Yu Guihai smiled and then appreciated a.
He’s not trying to comfort himself, but he’s absolutely sure of himself.
Before uniting the true blood, he merged and swallowed up the massive blood giant’s blood force, which fully accounted for half of all blood force.
It can be said that the blood force of the blood giant in his own blood is almost comparable to that of the first blood, but the quality is slightly worse.
However, if he relies on the pure blood giant’s blood force, he can also play a powerful role in the later stage of the cultural environment, which is absolutely impossible even for the top genius of the ancient blood giant.
This is the manifestation part of the blood giant’s blood force, and his body is deeper than the blood force, which is hidden and gradually released as he ascends, even if he breaks through to the Taoist realm, he has enough blood potential to support it.
It is with this kind of terror that Yu Guihai has reached a superb level for the blood giant’s blood manipulation.
If he wants these sea giants to fuse their veins, it is absolutely impossible to have any casualties, so he can easily calculate what level of qualification can fuse how many veins to the greatest extent.
Soon after, the ten sea giants were all covered in blood, and the strength and potential of the giants increased dramatically.
"Well, if this quantitative base test comes out, it will expand the scope and then be popularized." Da Ying Zun shouted with ecstasy as he took the blood fusion result calculated by Yu Guihai.
"Good honour person can organize me. All blood giant veins are pure, and they can be fused immediately according to their qualifications." Yu Guihai laughed.
"Okay, I’ll go." Da Ying Zun hurried away.
Yu Guihai looked at his back and shook his head gently, and then turned away.
He is going to find Nana perch.
Chapter 19 Blood, Ascension, Opportunity and Crisis in Storm
There is a wide cave at the top of a steep mountain, which runs directly through the mountain and has four holes in all directions. The whole top of the mountain is like a square tower with four doors.
Outside the cave, a large number of vines with gorgeous flowers are planted. These vines climb all over the top of the mountain along the stone wall, and all kinds of Linghua Lingcao decorations are planted in the rest of the mountain.
There are flowerpots and vases everywhere in the cave, and the flowers are planted with flowers. The fragrance is elegant and light, and the nose shows that the owner here is a flower lover.
In the center of the cave, there is a platform carved with exquisite patterns, with tables, chairs and stone beds, in which you can have a panoramic view.
A tall figure sits on the platform and quietly looks into the distance.
Although this figure is tall, it is quite graceful, and its appearance is even more beautiful. The whole person gives a soft feeling.