
1. **减肥与降脂**:荷叶中含有的荷叶碱和其他化脂生物碱能够有效分解体内脂肪,并阻止脂肪的吸收,形成脂肪隔离膜,从而有助于减肥和降低血脂。

2. **促进新陈代谢**:荷叶柠檬茶能促进新陈代谢,加速体内毒素的排出,对保肝、护肝也有积极作用。

3. **消暑利湿、生津止渴**:在夏季饮用,能有效地消暑解热,生津止渴。

4. **清热养神**:荷叶柠檬茶中的荷叶碱能清心火、平肝火、泻脾火、降肺火,有助于清热养神。

5. **利尿通便**:有助于润肠通便,对于便秘症状有改善作用,有利于排毒。

6. **美容养颜**:柠檬富含维生素C和柠檬酸盐,有助于美白皮肤,增加皮肤弹性,同时也有助于预防感冒和延缓皮肤老化。

7. **改善高血压**:柠檬和荷叶中的成分有助于改善高血压症状,增加冠脉流量。

8. **抗氧化与抗辐射**:柠檬和荷叶中的成分具有一定的抗氧化作用,可以抗击辐射。

9. **健胃与消炎止痛**:柠檬茶有助于健胃和消炎止痛,对于消化不良和积食有一定的治疗作用。

10. **预防肾结石**:柠檬水中的柠檬酸盐能够抑制钙盐结晶,有助于预防肾结石的形成。




1. **丰富的营养成分**:芨芨菜含有丰富的维生素、蛋白质、矿物质和微量元素,能够满足人体对多种营养素的需求。

2. **补血补肾**:芨芨菜具有补血补肾的功效,对于改善贫血、腰膝酸软等症状有一定的帮助。

3. **疏肝理气**:芨芨菜具有疏肝理气的功效,可以缓解因情绪波动引起的胸闷、烦躁等症状。

4. **适合特定人群**:芨芨菜特别适合老人、妇女和儿童食用,因为其营养价值高,且口感清新。

5. **助消化**:芨芨菜能够促进肠胃蠕动,有助于开胃醒脾,调和中焦,对于改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状有一定的帮助。

6. **缓解胃痛**:芨芨菜具有温胃散寒的作用,可以缓解胃痛、胃寒等症状。

7. **发汗透疹**:芨芨菜具有发汗透疹的功效,适用于麻疹初期透出不畅的情况。

8. **解毒护肾**:中医认为,芨芨菜具有解毒护肾的作用,香菜煮水喝有助于通过尿液排出肾脏积累的盐和毒素,减轻肾脏负担。

9. **富含维生素C和胡萝卜素**:芨芨菜中的维生素C含量较高,一般7~10克香菜叶就能满足人体对维生素C的需求量;同时,其所含的胡萝卜素也比西红柿、菜豆、黄瓜等蔬菜高出许多。



10. **预防癫痫发作**:香菜中含有的长链脂肪醛(E)-2-十二烯醛,可以降低细胞兴奋性,预防癫痫发作。此外,香菜叶和香菜籽是神经元电压门控钾通道Q (KCNQ)的强效激活剂,有助于缓解癫痫症状。




1. **增强体质**:益气补中可以增强人体的正气,提高机体的抗病能力,对于易感人群或体弱多病者有显著改善作用。

2. **调理脾胃**:脾胃为后天之本,气血生化之源。益气补中可以增强脾胃的运化功能,改善食欲不振、消化不良等症状。

3. **改善气虚症状**:气虚是中医常见的病机之一,表现为乏力、气短、自汗等。益气补中可以补充人体所需的元气,缓解气虚症状。

4. **治疗内脏下垂**:如胃下垂、子宫下垂、脱肛等,这些症状多因中气不足、气陷所致。益气补中可以提升中气,防止内脏下垂。

5. **调节阴阳平衡**:益气补中可以调和阴阳,使人体阴阳平衡,有利于疾病的康复。

6. **改善消化系统疾病**:如慢性胃炎、慢性肝炎、慢性痢疾等,益气补中可以增强脾胃功能,改善消化系统症状。


7. **提高免疫力**:益气补中可以提高人体的免疫力,减少感冒、流感等疾病的发生。

8. **促进康复**:对于术后、产后等虚弱体质者,益气补中可以促进康复,缩短恢复期。



1. 个体差异:不同体质的人,对益气补中的反应不同,需根据个人情况选择合适的药物和剂量。

2. 服药时间:一般饭后服用,以利于吸收。

3. 注意饮食:避免进食生冷、油腻、辛辣等刺激性食物。

4. 监测病情:服药期间,如症状无明显改善,应及时就医,调整治疗方案。



### 南瓜粥的制作方法

1. **准备食材**:选择成熟的南瓜,小米适量。
2. **处理南瓜**:将南瓜去皮去籽,清洗干净后切成均匀的小丁。
3. **清洗小米**:将小米用清水清洗干净。
4. **煮小米**:在锅中加入适量清水,放入小米,烧开后转小火熬煮30分钟。
5. **加入南瓜**:将切好的南瓜丁放入小米粥中,继续熬煮。
6. **完成**:待南瓜软烂,粥体变得浓稠,即可关火。根据个人口味,可适量添加冰糖或其他调味品。

### 南瓜粥的保健作用

1. **补中益气**:南瓜性味甘、温,归脾、胃经,具有补中益气的作用。
2. **清热解毒**:南瓜具有清热解毒的功效,适用于脾虚气弱、营养不良等症。
3. **降血糖**:南瓜含有丰富的果胶,能调节胃内食物的吸收速率,使糖类吸收减慢,有助于控制饭后血糖上升。
4. **降脂**:南瓜中的果胶可以和体内多余的胆固醇结合,减少胆固醇的吸收,有助于降低血胆固醇浓度。
5. **养胃**:小米具有养胃的作用,适合胃部不适的人群食用。
6. **抗氧化**:南瓜和小米中都含有抗氧化物质,有助于抵抗自由基和过氧化物的伤害,对抗衰老。
7. **润肺止咳**:南瓜和小米都有润肺止咳的功效,适合呼吸系统疾病患者食用。
8. **清心安神**:百合等食材的加入,有助于清心安神,适合神经衰弱、失眠多梦者食用。




### 营养特点

1. **高蛋白质**:豆腐是植物蛋白质的良好来源,蛋白质含量高,质量上乘,且易于人体消化吸收。对于素食者来说,豆腐是获取蛋白质的重要食品。

2. **丰富的矿物质**:豆腐含有钙、铁、镁、锌等矿物质,这些矿物质对骨骼健康、血液循环和免疫系统都至关重要。

3. **植物化学物质**:豆腐中含有大豆异黄酮和大豆皂苷等植物化学物质,具有抗氧化和抗炎作用,有助于降低心脑血管疾病、某些癌症和糖尿病的风险。

4. **不饱和脂肪酸**:豆腐含有不饱和脂肪酸,特别是植物油中的不饱和脂肪酸,可以降低胆固醇水平,预防动脉粥样硬化和心血管疾病。

5. **维生素**:豆腐含有维生素B1、B6、叶酸等,对维持人体正常生理功能有益。


### 健康益处

1. **增强体质**:豆腐中的丰富营养素有助于增强体质,提高免疫力。

2. **促进消化**:豆腐质地柔软,易于消化吸收,适合各类人群食用。

3. **美容养颜**:豆腐中的大豆异黄酮具有抗氧化作用,可以保护皮肤免受自由基的伤害,使皮肤看起来更年轻、更健康。

4. **辅助减肥**:豆腐低热量且高饱腹感,是减肥期间的良好选择。

5. **维持骨骼健康**:豆腐中的钙含量高,对于儿童的生长发育和老年人预防骨质疏松都有益。

6. **调节激素水平**:豆腐中的大豆异黄酮可以调节女性体内的激素水平,对更年期女性有一定的缓解作用。

7. **预防疾病**:豆腐中的不饱和脂肪酸和植物化学物质有助于预防心脑血管疾病、某些癌症和糖尿病。




1. 清热燥湿:二妙散的主要功效是清热燥湿,适用于治疗湿热内蕴所致的各种病症。其中,黄柏味苦寒,善于清热燥湿,能够清除下焦湿热;苍术味辛温,具有燥湿健脾的作用。

2. 标本兼顾:二妙散方中黄柏和苍术相伍,清热燥湿,标本兼顾。黄柏清热燥湿,为君药;苍术燥湿健脾,为臣药。两者合用,湿去热清,标本同治。

3. 治疗湿热下注证:二妙散是治疗湿热下注证的基础方,适用于湿热下注所致的诸多症状,如足膝肿痛、小便短赤、舌苔黄腻等。

4. 临床应用广泛:二妙散在现代医学中广泛应用于治疗风湿性关节炎、阴囊湿疹、阴道炎、皮炎、坐骨神经痛等属湿热下注的疾病。

5. 配伍灵活:根据病情的轻重,可以调整二妙散中黄柏和苍术的配伍用量。如湿热下注较重,可适当增加黄柏的用量;若脾湿较重,可适当增加苍术的用量。



6. 加减灵活:在临床应用中,根据具体病症,可适当加减药物。如治疗湿热下注所致的痿证,可加牛膝以补肝肾、强筋骨;治疗湿疮,可加苦参、地肤子、金银花以清热祛湿解毒等。

7. 注意事项:二妙散在使用过程中,需注意辨证施治,避免滥用。如有疑问,请咨询专业医生。此外,二妙散对孕妇、哺乳期妇女及过敏体质者慎用。


Heard the black spoken parts often nodded "don’t worry! You and I can go together every day. "

"And they were afraid that this wicked Hung-chun would leave you and take me away, which would be cheating." Black often carefully said.
The two are often frightened. The netherworld has put away Yan Luojian’s eyes and looked at Yu Duxiu "Hung-chun! If you hand over the Falun Gong, it may spare your life. If you dare to disobey and say no, today is the anniversary of your death next year. "
Jade Duxiu spits out blood and looks pale. She looks at the netherworld. "What strength does this fellow make the immortal god’s medicine banned?"
Seeing this, the nether world finally put her heart at ease and looked at the blue hair "Hung-chun!" I don’t want to say more. Hand over the treasure and spare your life. "
"Hum nonsense like a letter?" Jade Duxiu laughed before the wound healed and collapsed again.
"If you believe, you may have a chance to live. If you don’t believe …" The nether world’s eyes are cold and murderous.
"What if you don’t believe it?" The purple-black blood in Jade Duxiu’s mouth keeps escaping with a foul smell.
"If you don’t believe me, I will take out your posture wheel after you die, and I believe you may have a chance to survive. If you don’t believe me, you will die," said the netherworld.
"Too hung-chun has a small world, and all the strong people can’t find a trace." White often gathers up.
The nether world too smell speech was a change looking at jade alone show "let it be! Let it be! I swear that you will give me that treasure, so I will never be difficult for you again. What do you think? "
The nether world’s face is full of pride. He really can’t crack the yama sword. This yama sword is really fierce. The nether world is too confident for a reason.
Chapter 1916 Falun Gong
The sword of Yin Si Tai Yan Luo Fa is really fierce. It is a treasure, not an ordinary treasure, but really a treasure. This Yan Luo Jian is taken from the bones of ancient and modern beings, and a little essence is refined in the secret method, and it is poured into the power of Yin Si source day and night. Then it is said that the strong will be cut by this Yan Luo Jian, which is almost confessed.
Even if the quasi-strong is cut by this yama sword, it will continue to burn its life and eventually lead to the death of heaven and man.
It should not be said that it is the burning life, but that this yama sword will be robbed of life when it steals the life of the monk and will be cut by this yama sword, and eventually the five failures of heaven and man will come and die.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes looked at the nether world too black and white, and often the nether world was too black. The emperor wore a flat crown and looked down at Jade Duxiu with his hands. "Hand over the treasure and spare you from death! If you dare to say no, today is your death day. "
"Are you? How do you know what you said is true or false? "Jade Duxiu spouted foul black blood.
"You have no choice but to believe me." Mrs. Yin looked down at Jade Duxiu.
"No way! It’s better to die than to tile. "Jade alone shows a palm and presses it to the nether world’s chest." It’s doomed. "
The netherworld was beaten to pieces by Jade Duxiu, and Jade Duxiu herself staggered there, feeling very dizzy and black and white, and they often took the opportunity to join hands and put a pair of arms on Jade Duxiu’s chest.
Jade Duxiu was shot and crashed into the rubble in the distance. A pair of eyes looked at black and white and often "it’s bold to dare me to do it."
"Hung-chun! Good means I didn’t expect the dead to have such a sharp means. It’s not the kui that the heavens and the earth outshine others. Hand over the Falun or you will die today. "The nether world is too self-reorganization to slowly come to the front of Jade Show.
A Falun appeared in the palm of Jade Duxiu’s hand. The Falun is crystal clear as if it were a good crystal. "The Falun is here. Just take it if you have something to do."
As soon as Falun appeared, Qi Qi’s instantaneous diffusion of the heavens and the world made him feel something. Even the demon gods who were dispatching troops moved a little and looked at the location of Jade Duxiu’s netherworld.
Virtual constantly distorted sirs’ powerful eyes converged, and Jade Duxiu held out her palm with a sneer at her mouth and looked at Lady Yin. "The Falun is here for something, just take it."
The nether world looked at Yu Duxiu coldly with a sullen look. "You are cruel!"
With that, the body bombing has gone.
Black and white often see this and immediately play with the missing Jade Duxiu. A pair of eyes look at the virtual feeling of the eyes of the strong people. The arm waved the Falun and went out through the virtual, which actually directly hit the netherworld’s head and sank into its chest.
The netherworld is afraid to accept the Falun when she sees the great power of SIRS. If anyone knows that the Falun is in her own hands, it will inevitably make trouble in the future. How can the netherworld do such a thing? I don’t even want to escape immediately, but I haven’t gone far. I feel dizzy, my forehead hurts, and then my arms are much heavier.
"Not good!" The nether world is too steady in her arms, and when she looks at the objects in her hands, she suddenly wants to abandon them, but she is not willing to give up. She is feeling the great power of SIRS, and her eyes have gathered. The nether world has stuffed the Falun into her chest for a moment, and she has been driving the streamer to escape and screaming, "Hit the nether world channel quickly."
Looking at the distant panic, Taiyu Duxiu’s figure collapsed and disappeared in the virtual space, and the trace reappeared in the unknown mountains. She stared at the mess and fled. Taiyu’s mouth felt the Falun in her mind with a sneer and shook her head. "I am best at this Falun. It’s always a burden to throw out or not afraid of thieves stealing. It’s not like that."
Jade Duxiu was thinking here when the strong men looked at the fleeing nether world, and there was a pensive color in her eyes.
"Hung-chun was hit hard by that yama sword. I don’t know what the yama sword is!" Grandfather Taiyi toyed with the turtle shell in his hand.
Taidou teaches his ancestors that "Hung-chun is as cunning as a fox. Whether it is really hit hard by the nether world is unknown, but it is not clear that the Falun can be fake. Is it true that Hung-chun will throw it out on his own initiative? It’s not quite like Hung-chun’s style. "
The ancestor of the Taiping Sect said, "Maybe Hung-chun can’t bear the pressure and wants to move the disaster eastward to the netherworld, or else Hung-chun has peeped into the mystery in the Falun Gong and thinks he wants to take the opportunity to get rid of the burden."
"In either case, Falun can’t fall into the hands of the nether world, and can’t call the nether world to flee back to the nether world. Now the demon fiend clan is preparing for the war. Let’s make quick moves and the two sides will react later."
The ancestral temple of Tai Huang stretched out his palm to cover the sun, and the number of veins moved, and the mysterious and powerful force flowed, and the veins flourished and shook the world.
"hit the yin-yang channel quickly"
Black and white are often chased and immediately shot. The nether world is too three people to start the yin and yang channels in unison. Seeing the black vortex gradually forming, the pulse force suddenly explodes, and the vortex is instantly smashed. The palm of Taizhuang’s ancestor has been shrouded, and "The nether world is too small. Friends, why don’t you run away? Why don’t you come and be a guest of me?"
"F * * king! What now? " It’s hard to raise resistance in the heart when the nether world looks at repression, but it’s hard for the nether world to be the best among the quasi-strong. Even the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor can’t take away their mind. The nether world is too instantaneous. Yamaraja’s reappearance is already a fiend clan site in the center of heaven and earth millions of miles away.
"suppress ghosts"
SIRS fiend saw fat to send mouth to nature you’re welcome are driving the turbid gas towards the nether world too repression.
At this moment, too Huang’s ancestor has been driving a palm toward the nether world to suppress it, and SIRS fiend showed disdain to laugh at this. Cattle fiend punched out the palm of his hand and hit Long Mai in Wan Li, Fiona Fang.
A golden light flashing punishment hay cutter arrival cow fiend was split into two sections.
While SIRS fiend laughed toward the nether world too caught up.
"Never let the treasure fall into the hands of the fiend." Sirs demon gods and Long Jun also made moves to suppress the fiend tribe.
The violent energy of the two sides’ fighting and the magical powers scattered everywhere, and the nether world was turned to dust by the aftermath of the confrontation between more than a dozen strong men. At this time, black and white often played the channel of Yin and Yang in the distant mountains, "coming in too quickly."
"whoosh!" The nether world is too innate and immortal, and the light goes to the yin-yang channel.

The monk couldn’t have predicted that this man didn’t return it and took a step forward. Instead of being put in his pocket, the other person bent his elbow and hit the monk’s chest. This elbow was understated but wonderful. It was not because of superb martial arts and bravery.

The monk stepped forward, but he was not allowed to step back. He stepped forward as fast as a flash, but he took a step back even faster than the step forward. He stepped back. Li Zhichang stretched his elbow and took a palm at the same time, aiming at the pocket. In the past, an absolutely strong palm force was used to drill into the pocket, and the pocket was applauded, but there was no sign of breaking it. Li Zhichang’s heart way, the material of this pocket was strange, but my palm was not damaged at all. Although he didn’t break the pocket, he took the monk back several steps. The monk decided, "Pavilion is good!
Li Zhichang laughed. "The master was originally called hard. How can I say this?"
The monk said, "It’s hard to know that the monk can’t handle the pavilion alone, but it’s good to teach the five people to gather today."
At this time, I heard a sound coming from the south mountain peak, "Is the vampire bat going to die? An Zhou Dian is coming to give him his death." The word "finally" is outstanding. The man has already reached the peak, but he is a disheveled, ragged and sloppy man. However, his kung fu just now is very good, and he can’t compare with the king of green-winged bats, but he is also a first-class level.
At this time, the king of Qingyi Bat snorted with pain. Li Zhichang glanced back at him and saw that his arms were white and white. If he didn’t treat them, he would die. Li Zhichang moved back to the king of Qingyi Bat and tried to protect his heart from the’ Yang Qiaoxue’. Then he sighed, "If this king of Qingyi Bat is not treated, I’m afraid he will really die. If you believe me, let me cure him first."
Zhou Dian wears a waist and laughs. "The old bat is heavy with cold poison for decades. How old are you at an early age? You dare to say that you want to cure him?" Speaking, Zhou Dian suddenly slapped Li Zhichang’s body to shoot Li Zhichang’s true power flowing out. He was protecting the green-winged bat’s heart pulse. The palm of his hand was attacked by Zhou Dian, Zhou Dian and Li Zhichang. The palm of his hand seemed to be muddy. Suddenly, Li Zhichang’s shoulder naturally gave birth to a force and mixed with his palm to fight back. This force was enough to break his wrist.
His skill is unfathomable. Although he is treating the King of the Green Winged Bat, he is not able to hurt the enemy at the same time, but his protection is more than enough. Zhou Dian gave him a palm of his hand to protect the main qi and naturally circulated the stress, and he gave Zhou Dian a shock without consuming half a point. Unless his strength has reached the situation of "ecstasy", he would never be able to heal people and protect himself spontaneously.
Just now, if Li Zhichang hadn’t shown mercy and waited until the power of the Shinto was revealed, Zhou Dian would have been injured, but Li Zhichang pitied him and was eager to save people, and he didn’t hurt him.
When the face of King Qingyi Bat turned from gray to blue, Li Zhichang peeled off his half-length clothes and took out the silver needle. He inserted the silver needle one by one into the extreme spring point, Qingling point, Shaohai point, Lingdao point, Tongli point, Yinyi point, Lingdao point Tongli point, Yinyi point Shenmen point and Shaofu point of King Qingyi Bat’s hand. Finally, Li Zhichang slapped it at Qingyi Bat with one hand.
Zhou Dian people over there are crazy, but they are not stupid. I can see that Li Zhichang is hard to persuade them not to move any more. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise in the east mountain peaks. Zhou Dian said, "Mr. Cold Face and Monk Peng are looking for you." The high-pitched voice cried, "Mr. Cold Face and Monk Peng are injured, so roll over!" The zither rang over there to signal that it had been heard.
Monk Peng said, "It’s hard to say who’s injured. Is the Taoist with the iron crown still the king of bats?" The six of them made an appointment to meet around here, and among them, Wang Qingyi’s martial arts is the best, so he is the least vulnerable. Therefore, he put Wang Qingyi at the back, and Mr. Cold Face next to him was too lazy to ask questions when he knew that monk Peng would ask questions.
Someone in the south said, "Taoist Tieguan, I’m fine. Is that to say that I can’t get hurt?"
Hard to answer, "It’s very good that Wei Yixiao, the king of green-winged bats, was injured and a little brother was treating him."
Zhou Dian said, "Is it extremely fast to see that half a size is treating half-dead bats?"
At this time, all five people came to a new place, three of them and a monk, and a gentleman looked in the direction of Li Zhichang, and Zhou Zhiruo, who was standing beside Li Zhichang, didn’t pay much attention.
Monk Peng asked, "Where did this little brother come from?" He is to Zhou Dian asked.
Zhou Dian said, "Don’t ask me that I’m later than I can say, but this little devil has to kill people. I can save people, and I’m at a loss. Mr. Cold-faced, take a look. That little rescue won’t save Wei Yixiao."
Wei Yixiao is the king of the green-winged bat, and this cold-faced gentleman is called Leng Qian and Bu Dai Monk Hard, Peng Monk Peng Yingyu, Tieguan Taoist Zhang Zhong and Zhou Dian, who are collectively called the Five Scattered Men.
Mr. Cold Face popped up three words, "Hard"
Except for Zhou Dian, all the five people are smart and alert. Naturally, it can be seen that Li Zhichang is trying his best to treat Wei Yixiao, so he dare not disturb whether he can succeed or not.
At the end of chapter 20
The cold poison of the king of the green-winged bat was forced to Shaochong point, and Li Zhichang pressed his thumb on his Shaochong point, and the cold poison came into being. It was the transformation of Wang Li, the green-winged bat, and it was also the true qi of the human body. The so-called rivers and seas in Li Zhichang were quickly washed away by Li Zhichang’s pure qi, which had plagued Wei Yixiao for decades and was thus cured by Li Zhichang.
The five scattered people are not ordinary people. Seeing that Li Zhichang actually cured Wei Yixiao’s cold heart, he sighed, "So the king of Qingyi Bat won’t give up on him."
Hard and Wei Yixiao is a life-long friendship. Although Li Zhichang saved Wei Yixiao alone, he also brought in the five people. If Li Zhichang is also a teacher, it will be particularly important to teach to speak.
Wei Yixiao was poisoned by cold poison, but his mind was always awake. Naturally, he knew that Li Zhichang had saved his body. The silver needle had been pulled out by Li Zhichang, and the true qi was flowing again. In the past, it was as bad as cold poison, but his skill declined by three points. These can be made up in the future.
Wei Yixiao said, "Don’t say thank you for your kindness. If there is any trouble, please give me a word and I will come even if it is difficult."
Li Zhichang said lightly, "Thank you is not necessary. I want to ask you something to save you."
Wei Yixiao said, "Be kind to the public but say no harm?"
Li Zhichang said, "I want to know the origin of your teaching."
Wei Yixiao said, "It turns out that this little thing has no more to do with the origin of teaching than hard to know."
Wu Sanren and Wei Yixiao don’t know what Li Zhichang did when he asked about the origin of religion, but Li Zhi often showed great kindness to Wei Yixiao, and they wouldn’t kiss his face. It’s hard to say that they are Wei Yixiao’s best friends. He knows a lot about the secrets of teaching in previous dynasties. This answer to Li Zhichang’s question was naturally given to him.
Hard to say, "There is no big secret in teaching, but there are some things that should not be known to outsiders. Today, since my little brother asked me to talk about it, I hope that my little brother and this Emei high-footed can stay away."
It’s hard to say that with a sigh, "Even if we go out, who will believe that our history of magic religion, which is called by the world, is so cold, don’t you think?"
Mr. Lengmian said "Say". Mr. Lengmian naturally meant to say something quickly, but he always refused to say a word. Naturally, he knew that it was hard to say anything, and he would certainly be able to hurry. He usually said the least, but he was the most thoughtful and intelligent, and most of the five-person action plans were written by him. This appointment with the king of green-winged bats was also made by him alone.
It’s hard to say that my teachings were inherited from Manichaeism in the Tang Dynasty, but it was in the Northern Song Dynasty when it was really a vein of rivers and lakes. In the Northern Song Dynasty, a strange man was also the first generation leader of our teaching, who collected some heroes from rivers and lakes and established our teaching sect. But at that time, there was no doctrine in teaching. Later, the first generation leader did not know what to do. At that time, a very important figure in our teaching took over the position of leader, and the second generation leader surnamed Wang was the first generation leader. She really made great contributions to the establishment of the teaching.
Li Zhichang heart move way "you second generation leader is a woman".
I can’t be surprised. "Does the little brother know something we teach?"
Li Zhichang smiled faintly. "I’m guessing."
Hard to sigh a way: "The Yellow Woman of Doudao Emei School founded Emei School alone, but our second-generation leader once lost to her. It was because we taught her for so many years that few people knew that our second-generation leader was such a female hero. I taught almost all the systems now. At that time, the second-generation leader settled down. At that time, although we taught a lot of heroes, we still had a big rival who fought with each other for seven years, but we didn’t know how many twists and turns and bizarre things had gone through. In the end, the two sides fought to death and the enemy finally became a family. Do you say it’s funny
Li Zhichang said, "I want to come to your school and have a long history with that adversary."
It’s hard to say, "We don’t know exactly what the origin is. Since then, our second-generation Wang hierarch has set up a light left and right envoy, which has a high position in the hierarch, and no matter whether it’s light left or right envoy, it must bring’ Xiao’ in his name, and light right envoy must bring’ Yao’ in his name. Together, it is the word Xiaoyao."
Li Zhichang sighed, "It’s hard to say that the word’ free and unfettered’ is where your two sides came from at that time."
Hard to say, "It’s been hundreds of years, so we can’t investigate clearly. Less than a year after we joined the school, the second generation leader of Wang retired with a child who didn’t know where to pick it up, and at the same time gave us the original archrival leader, the third leader of Zhong, who was also the strongest martial arts leader of all generations except the first generation leader. She was also a female bell leader with high martial arts, but she was not good at management teaching and devoted herself to practicing the magical arts of our town. Afterwards, she practiced our town teaching magic to the fifth floor, but on the same day, she didn’t know what happened and died. The leader’s position fell into the hands of the Fang La leader. "
When Li Zhichang heard this, he naturally understood that the Master Wang was the Master Zhong of Wang Yuyan, and perhaps the Master Zhong Ling of Lingjiu Palace. This teaching was really established by him, and the magical power of that town teaching was that he created the six-story Gankun Great Move Skill in that year. That martial art was left to Wang Yuyan Gankun Great Move. Although it is subtle, it must be practiced with great strength. It can be seen that Zhong Ling can practice to the fifth floor. At that time, her strength was also very deep, and she was possessed by herself in Zhong Ling, mostly because she practiced the barren Liuhe Great Move Skill. There was a conflict between respecting the work and the great move of Gankun. The secret of the great move of Gankun lies in reversing the yin and yang of Gankun and wasting Liuhe’s exclusive work. The original name of this work was pure yang, and it belonged to Yangyuan, which was not suitable for female practitioners. The grandmother reversed the yang work and cultivated Yin, and changed it to barren Liuhe’s exclusive work.
When she practiced martial arts, the yin and yang were reversed, and then the dry kunda moved the yin and yang, which led to the disorder of body yin and yang. Finally, she was possessed, but she didn’t blame her for her lack of strength. If she practiced this method, she could only move the dry kunda to the deepest place if she practiced the yin and yang skills, but Li Zhichang’s true qi was completely transformed into pure divination, the true qi was just peaceful, and the theory of dry kunda’s two qi was reversed, which disturbed the balance of yin and yang in his body, so she could practice it. However, after Li Zhichang realized that the ninth sword of the Galaxy had changed for nine days, it seemed to him that the sixth floor of Gankun had been moved even further.
Hard to continue: "When the founder of Fang ascended the throne, it was the bad emperor who was in power and corrupt officials were rampant. The founder of Fang gave birth to a feeling of compassion and combined with the Manichaeism doctrine in the late Tang Dynasty, which created my teaching doctrine. The tenet of the doctrine was’ do good and do evil, and all beings are equal’. The founder of Fang saved the sufferings of the people in Huizong’s uprising, but it was a pity that the success failed, which made my teaching also weakened."
Li Zhichang asked, "It seems that a lot of imperial encirclement and suppression can hurt your ordinary congregation at most, and you Jianghu experts will not be wiped out."
Hard to say, "I taught masters, but at that time, there was a peerless master in the imperial court who defeated all the masters at that time. At that time, we were angry with our brothers and killed many people, seeking revenge against his wife and children. Since then, there have been occasional self-inspection points among the congregation, and those who are not gangsters have used martial arts to kill people, those who have raped and plundered people have a reputation for teaching …"
Li Zhichang sighed, "So it turns out that all the people in the world have good and evil, not all of them are good people, and all of them are bad people, but it is not wrong for you to kill your parents, wives and children by being regarded as demons by Jianghu people."
Hard to say, "Although the Sect has always had a perverse temperament, it has become a sworn enemy of the imperial court since I died in the hands of Mongolian Tatars. I taught to expel Hu Lu. In the past 100 years, we have killed 20 leaders, mostly because of the anti-Yuan cause. As a result, the Yuan court really regarded us as a menace. Unfortunately, since the sudden disappearance of the Yang leader of the 33rd generation, all the masters in the Sect of the Dragon Head Sect have fought for the leader’s position and fought for each other. Finally, they have washed their hands and retired. After the fall of the leader’s canon,
When it comes to all these five people, it’s not a taste in my heart. It was because of the anti-yuan incident and Yang Xiao, who left the light, that the five people wouldn’t have come back here if it hadn’t been for the siege of Guangding by six factions recently.

Qin Changfeng sat with a wry smile and said, "You are the first one in nine days to dare to look at a pale fairy like this."

"Is Cang Xianjun great?" The female emperor looks calm and beautiful, without a trace of waves, and her eyes are as clear as water
"Of course, Master, how strong am I? Didn’t you feel it just now?" Didn’t Qin Changfeng Nai lie to her once and then leave without saying goodbye? How do you feel like you’ve abandoned everything?
The female emperor glanced at him gently and then said faintly, "Master is so powerful, can I see my brother again?"
Qin Changfeng was right. Her brother, Qin Chang, is a person who shouldn’t have appeared. Now it’s already gone. How can she say goodbye? Besides …
"Are you waiting for him?"
The female emperor didn’t speak again, and she didn’t feel a bit like a suet jade carving, and her eyes were as deep as the sea.
Qin Changfeng helped his forehead. I didn’t expect that the open gentleman would be so tempered today. The whole world really can’t find a second one except this one. Even floating catkins are actually divided into occasions and discretion
"You won’t let me look at you like this for 200,000 years, will you?"
After a long time, he had to take the initiative to break the calm.
"Do you think I will stain your eyes?" The female emperor has a faint tone.
"How can a female emperor, Jade Immortal, not to mention that 200,000 years is two million years and 20 million years is not enough?" Qin Changfeng finished releasing the master’s identity baggage, so that she could feel calm, moral integrity and face.
"In that case, Master will come to show Fanger the magical power and Taoism."
The female emperor’s eyes finally lit up with a smile, and her lips and corners of her mouth faintly emerged.
She seems to have returned to her girlhood. In that small but small courtyard, Master accompanied her to practice enlightenment every day. It was the happiest and most satisfying time in her life.
So she calls herself Fang Er, which has not been called from her mouth for two hundred thousand years.
"Master prides himself on being an immortal and dares to ask how heavy this style is in Xiandao?"
The voice did not fall from the female emperor’s body. Six fairy lights suddenly appeared and sometimes condensed into a seal. Sometimes the fairy marks surrounded her body, making her figure look more and more dreamy. When the long river suddenly solidified her, she stopped.
"These are … five immortal seals?"
Qin Changfeng was surprised because he felt the pure breath of flying immortal, chasing immortal, refusing immortal, harmonizing immortal and immortal from the six immortals, which was not surprising to him because he did leave a complete fu yin method in the bronze fairy hall.
The real difference is that the fusion of these six fairy lights has turned into a sign!
You know, these six immortal seals represent forces in different fields, such as people’s hands, feet, nose, ears, etc. How can they be integrated?
But the female emperor really did it. Seeing the female emperor’s hands with a stroke, all kinds of road marks emerged as if she were weaving a avenue oven around her, and then the five great fu yin immortals were trained in it to give off harsh light, even though Qin Changfeng could not look straight at it for a while!
I don’t know how long it took when the light died down, the avenue oven disappeared, and the five fairy lights were gone. There was only one fairy light around me, showing the mysterious and magnificent colors of colorful glass and precious light.
For a moment, with the change of the female emperor’s fingertip method, the colorful fairy light is also inexplicably pulled, and suddenly it flies high. For a moment, it hangs from the top of the head, and if the starlight waterfall flies, her whole person will be so sacred.
The colorful fairy gradually lost all the conspicuous colors after photosynthesis, leaving a pure holy Bering female emperor as if wearing a holy dress, and it seems that she has now sublimated into the only holy fairy who has never seen heaven in all ages!
She never got up and her feet never moved, but her right arm was raised straight forward, and her white glittering palm stood up and slowly pushed forward.
Qin Changfeng did not move. She deduced this formula from the five immortal seals, and it is still in the exploration stage. Only in this way can we feel the mystery at close range.
In other words, the success of the five immortal seal variants derived from the female emperor’s unique talents aroused his interest and great interest.
Since the creation of the immortal Tao, Qin Changfeng rarely displays the five immortals when facing the enemy. Most of the time, it is unnecessary, but the main reason is that these five sacred seals are all created on the basis of the true immortal Tao, and most of them can bless the magical power of the true immortal Tao.
When the source of Qin Changfeng Avenue was replaced by an eternal symbol, the direct fit between the two was very poor, so he gave it up temporarily in the recent period.
The mystery of the immortal seal displayed by the eye female emperor made him see the hope that it would transform the eternal mysticism.
The female emperor’s palm is spotless and white as jade. It looks like a breeze at first, not only without any murder, but also making people feel as comfortable as a spring breeze.
But then listen to a "zither" ringing in the virtual sound, like a peerless fairy sword pushed by that thin hand through the virtual space, and suddenly burst out to kill the gods and destroy their abilities.
A wisp of holy light comes out, which is order, rules and firm but gentle expression on the avenue!
At the moment, this palm-sword light seems to surpass everything and shine to the extreme. It seems that there are several avenues and meanings sweeping through, but it is difficult to perceive a specific Tao from it.
There is no fervor, no time, and no causal cycle … It shows that Daowei has one characteristic, that is, strength.
Invincible, invincible and unstoppable!
Sitting on the opposite side, Qin Changfeng’s look changed, and the terrifying light beam bloomed in his deep eyes. It was only when this palm sword came that he finally made a move.
Mars splashed fairy characters, sword fairy printed palm sword collided together, and Fu Guang fairy light was intertwined all over the sky, illuminating the whole hall. The aftermath was like a star, and the hurricane swept the original slave, the innocent virgin, who stood behind the female emperor and was directly lifted away.

Silently feel the induction gradually in the operation.

HONG Yang-xiu mastered "The Rhythm of Everything Hands God’s Will". This method returns to thinking of controlling oneself.
Then start the Nine Tailaojun Scriptures …
It seems that as soon as I enter the gas refining, I will be heavy.
Then, double refining gas and triple refining gas …
Return to the foundation in one breath!
Many abilities are to return to him and master the nightmare, but the night can be assimilated
Yang Xiu smiled and asked for his own strength to return. He was not afraid of anything. He ran "Nine Changes in the Heart of Life" …
Suddenly found himself this page is also changing.
Name Yang Xiu
Life span 21/260
Fortress of blood spirit
Life eats the devil, and the sky is a disaster star.
The title of the sky is rampant
A heavy foundation for the realm.
Talent night fiend grass dragon snake sword fanatic death cunning spirit brake birth and death driving Kunlun.
The supernatural powers cover the sky with their hands, and the sword is United with the sword, and the heart is connected with one sword, shocking the sky with thunder, swinging three times and shaking three times.
Achievement method "Nine Tailaojun Scriptures" (the third)
"Nine changes in the heart of the people" (the fourth)
Everything is in the palm of God’s hand (the fourth)
"Five Elements of Heaven and Man Heart Lamp Method" (the first)
"The Fairy Sword in Nine Clouds" (the third part)
"Tianyuan Yao lives in vain" (the first heavy)
"Sanqing, Four Truths and One Air Hammer" (the first weight)
Sword suppression, assassination, shock, illusion, chaos
France, Italy, Leihai, Leian, Leikan, Black Hand, Flash Epilepsy, Leikan
Turn into a five-element dog, a nine-gang dragon, a ghost snake forever.
Judge that the first sky of heaven is rampant.
I’m four years older and I’m twenty-one waves. Four years?
The avatar’s sword heart became a sword heart.
The sword of the nine immortals changed from the second level to the third level.
Tian Yuan Yao Ming Xu Huang Jia changed from the first to the second.
One more "Sanqing, Four Truths and One Air Hammer" is the first weight.