
1. **补气益血**:八珍膏中的熟地黄成分具有养血补血的作用,而甘草、川芎等成分则具有益气功能。这些成分共同作用,有助于改善气血两虚引起的四肢乏力、面色萎黄等症状。

2. **健脾补胃**:八珍膏含有白术、茯苓等成分,这些成分有助于健脾养胃,对脾和胃进行调理,适合那些脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的患者。

3. **美容养颜**:八珍膏可以改善面色,对那些脸色不佳、皮肤干燥、过早出现皱纹的“黄脸婆”有一定的改善作用。它通过补气和补血,使气血上荣于头面,从而改善肤色。

4. **改善消化系统功能**:由于八珍膏具有健脾补胃的作用,因此可以改善消化不良、脘腹胀痛、纳食不消等症状。

5. **增强免疫力**:八珍膏的补气益血作用有助于提高人体的免疫力,增强抵抗力。

6. **辅助治疗月经不调**:对于妇女来说,八珍膏可用于调理月经不调,改善气血两虚所引起的月经问题。


7. **改善病后虚弱**:八珍膏适合病后虚弱的人群,有助于恢复体力。

– 孕妇应慎用八珍膏。
– 有咳嗽痰多、脘腹胀痛、纳食不消、腹胀便溏等症状的患者应慎用。
– 在服用八珍膏期间,应避免与其他药物同时使用,以免影响疗效或产生副作用。



1. **治疗烟酸缺乏症**:烟酸是人体必需的维生素,参与细胞内的氧化还原反应。烟酸缺乏会导致糙皮病等疾病,烟酸片可以作为补充剂用于预防和治疗这些疾病。糙皮病的主要症状包括皮炎、舌炎、食欲不振、失眠、感觉异常等。

2. **降低血脂**:烟酸片可以通过抑制低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的合成,影响血中胆固醇的运载,从而降低血清胆固醇和甘油三酯的浓度。这对于预防和治疗高脂血症具有重要作用。

3. **扩张血管**:烟酸具有扩张周围血管的作用,这有助于改善血液循环,对某些心血管疾病有辅助治疗作用。

4. **其他作用**:
– **治疗粗糙病**:烟酸片可以用于治疗粗糙病等烟酸缺乏引起的疾病。


– **视神经萎缩**:烟酸可能有助于治疗视神经萎缩。
– **营养不良**:对于营养不良患者,烟酸片可以作为营养补充。
– **视网膜动脉阻塞**:烟酸可能对视网膜动脉阻塞有一定的治疗作用。
– **老年皮肤瘙痒症**:烟酸片有时用于治疗老年皮肤瘙痒症。


5. **注意事项**:


– 烟酸片在肾功能正常的患者中通常没有明显的副作用,但在用药初期可能会出现面部发热、发红等血管扩张反应。
– 大剂量用药可能会导致腹泻、头晕、乏力、皮肤干燥、瘙痒、眼干燥、恶心、呕吐、胃痛、高血糖、高尿酸、心律失常、肝毒性反应等。
– 糖尿病、青光眼、痛风、高尿酸血症、肝病、溃疡病、低血压等患者应慎用。
– 溃疡病患者禁用。
– 儿童用法用量需咨询医师或药师。
– 如服用过量或出现严重不良反应,应立即就医。




1. **调节脏腑功能**:五行蔬菜汤通过五种颜色的蔬菜,对应人体的五脏六腑,帮助调节各个脏腑的功能,达到平衡内环境的目的。

2. **增强免疫力**:蔬菜汤中富含多种维生素和矿物质,这些营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

3. **预防疾病**:蔬菜汤中的营养成分有助于预防心血管疾病、高血压、癌症等多种疾病。

4. **改善消化系统**:白萝卜、胡萝卜等蔬菜含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,有助于改善消化系统功能,缓解便秘、胃胀等消化问题。


5. **美容养颜**:蔬菜汤中的营养成分有助于抗氧化,延缓衰老,改善皮肤状况,达到美容养颜的效果。

6. **调节酸碱平衡**:蔬菜汤中的营养成分有助于调节人体酸碱平衡,维持身体健康。

7. **抗癌作用**:部分研究表明,五行蔬菜汤中的某些成分具有抗癌作用,有助于抑制癌细胞生长。

8. **缓解慢性病**:对于一些慢性病,如脑溢血、久年头痛、心律不齐、胃溃疡等,饮用五行蔬菜汤可能有一定的缓解作用。


1. **不是药物**:五行蔬菜汤是一种养生保健食品,不具备药用价值,不能替代药物治疗。

2. **个体差异**:由于个人体质和健康状况不同,五行蔬菜汤的功效可能因人而异。


3. **脾胃虚弱者慎用**:脾胃虚弱的人不宜过多饮用五行蔬菜汤,以免加重脾胃负担。

4. **适量饮用**:五行蔬菜汤虽然营养丰富,但过量饮用也可能导致身体不适。



### 作用

1. **通气支持**:呼吸机能够为患者提供必要的通气支持,尤其是在患者无法自主呼吸或呼吸功能不足时,如重症肺炎、呼吸衰竭、神经系统疾病等。
2. **呼吸调节**:通过调节呼吸频率、深度和压力,呼吸机可以帮助患者维持稳定的呼吸状态。
3. **辅助治疗**:对于某些疾病,如睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSA),呼吸机通过提供正压通气,改善上气道阻力,从而缓解症状。
4. **维持血氧水平**:在重症患者中,呼吸机可以帮助维持血氧水平,减少因缺氧引起的并发症。

### 效果

1. **改善通气功能**:呼吸机能够增加肺通气量,改善呼吸功能,减轻呼吸消耗,节约心脏储备。
2. **缓解症状**:对于OSA患者,呼吸机可以缓解打鼾、呼吸暂停等症状,提高睡眠质量。
3. **降低并发症风险**:通过维持稳定的呼吸状态,呼吸机可以降低因呼吸功能不足引起的并发症风险。
4. **挽救生命**:在重症患者中,呼吸机是挽救生命的重要手段之一。

### 使用注意事项

1. **适应症**:呼吸机并非适用于所有患者,应根据患者的具体情况和医生的建议使用。
2. **专业指导**:使用呼吸机应在专业医疗人员的指导下进行,确保安全和效果。


3. **定期检查**:定期检查和维护呼吸机,确保其正常运行。
4. **患者教育**:对于需要长期使用呼吸机的患者,应进行适当的教育,使其了解呼吸机的作用和使用方法。



1. **疏散风热**:牛旁根具有疏散风热的作用,适用于治疗风热感冒引起的咽喉红肿热痛或咳嗽痰多等症状。

2. **解毒利咽**:牛旁根能够解毒,对于咽喉肿痛、喉痹等症有较好的缓解作用。


3. **宣肺透疹**:牛旁根能够宣肺,帮助麻疹顺利透发,适用于治疗麻疹不透或透而复隐的情况。

4. **润肠通便**:牛旁根有润肠通便的作用,适用于治疗便秘。


5. **降低血压、血糖、血脂**:牛旁根具有降低血压、血糖、血脂的功效,对于高血压、高血糖、高血脂等症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **壮阳补肾**:牛旁根被认为有壮阳补肾的作用,对肾虚体弱者有补益效果。

7. **清热解毒**:牛旁根具有清热解毒的功效,可以用于治疗热毒病、痈肿疮疡等。

8. **利尿消肿**:牛旁根具有利尿消肿的作用,可用于治疗水肿。

9. **防癌作用**:牛旁根中含有丰富的膳食纤维和微量元素,长期食用可能有助于预防癌症。

10. **促进新陈代谢**:牛旁根能够促进新陈代谢,改善人体内循环。

11. **抗炎作用**:牛旁根具有一定的抗炎作用,可用于治疗类风湿等炎症性疾病。

12. **美容养颜**:牛旁根含有菊糖等成分,有助于促进荷尔蒙分泌,增强体力,抗衰老,具有美容养颜的效果。



1. **养生保健**:根据《本草纲目》的记载,紫檀木具有止血、止痛、调节气血的功效,对养生保健有着积极的作用。

2. **安神醒脑**:佩戴小叶紫檀佛珠,在不断的盘玩过程中,紫檀木会散发出一种“木气”,这种物质有助于安神醒脑,提高睡眠质量。

3. **开运化煞**:小叶紫檀被认为可以补充阳气,达到开运化煞的目的,因此常被用于制作饰品,如手串、挂件等。

4. **稳定情绪**:佩戴紫檀木饰品可以稳定人的情绪,使人遇事稳重,有助于保持平和的心态。

5. **香气疗愈**:紫檀木的香气被认为对心脏、肝脏、肾脏等器官都有良好的作用,可以缓解脑波,使情绪稳定,具有稳神定气的效果。

6. **美容养颜**:长期佩戴或盘玩紫檀木,可以促进血液循环和新陈代谢,有助于细胞的再生,预防皮肤衰老。


7. **保护平安**:很多佛教弟子将紫檀木作为念经求佛的珠串,认为它可以增强对自身的保佑功能,带来好运。

8. **缓和肠胃**:将紫檀屑放入枕头中作为枕芯,可以舒缓肠胃,对肠胃病有一定的舒缓作用。

9. **防止关节肿痛**:将紫檀木屑与白醋混合后敷在关节处,有助于缓解关节肿痛。

10. **驱邪辟邪**:在佛教中,紫檀木被认为具有驱灾辟邪的功效,因此在宗教仪式和日常佩戴中都有应用。


Su Mo nodded.

Then Su Mo five people followed the mouse king away from the cave and went straight to the center of the roaring moon mountain.
A mouse king led Su Mo’s five people, although some of them looked unfamiliar, but all the way was unblocked and soon arrived in front of a cave in the center of Xiao Yueshan.
Linghu and Fox are curious. They look all the way.
Sue ink is look calm.
He came here ten days ago, and now he can be regarded as a revisiting place.
"Brothers, come with me."
The mouse king took the lead in entering the abode of fairies and immortals, followed by Su Mo and five others, and went in.
Just entered the abode of fairies and immortals eyes suddenly lit up.
The abode of fairies and immortals is quite wide, and all the walls are inlaid with fist-sized beads, which emit bright light and are very imposing.
Linghu can’t wait to buckle all these night beads and put them in his pocket.
Just then, a big drink sounded.
They looked around and saw a black-faced man sitting in the middle of the knife not far ahead, looking at them with a straight face.
Su Mo has seen this person and naturally knows that this is the black wolf, the Lord of Xiao Yueshan.
In the left hand side of the black wolf, a woman in white gauze sat quietly at the other end without looking up. It was the deputy Lord cicada of Xiaoyue Mountain!
Just yelling, but not two people.
There is a strong man behind the black wolf.
Eyes like two bells, ten feet tall, burly and strong, bare arms, pieces of bronzed muscles protruding like stones!
The strong man once again roared, "Don’t come and visit me when you see the two lords!"
The mouse king quickly wrote, "This is the first protector of Xiaoyue Mountain, and the brothers with the strongest fighting power had better not offend!"
The monkey looked unruly and left the pie mouth.
Su Mo five people are motionless.
Copper bull eyes a clot flew into a rage was about to explode sitting in front of the black Wolf with the wave.
Copper bull panting temporarily endure to stare at Sue ink five people look pale.
From the moment I entered the abode of fairies and immortals, the black wolf was looking at Su Mo’s five people.
You know, he is a middle-class demon and a Lord, and he exudes strong coercion and aura. The roots of ordinary monsters can’t bear it
The vast majority will kneel on the ground and take the initiative to visit.
But in front of these five faces, he didn’t see any fear and timidity.
Even in the face of two lords
Even in the face of two big intermediate demons!
In particular, this red-haired man dared to look at him calmly and calmly without any embarrassment and anxiety!
Black Wolf smiled in my heart.
Even cicada ruyi looked up and took one look at Su Mo.
"I’m really afraid that I will suppress you if you dare to deliver the door yourself after killing me and the two guardians!" After a little, the black wolf slowly looked big and suddenly became combative.
Before Su Mo reacted, the Rat King was startled and hurriedly said, "Before the Lord’s adult, we agreed to let bygones be bygones …"
The black wolf looked cold and faint and said, "Can’t I go back on my word?"
The mouse king was speechless and sweaty
Chapter one hundred and ten What makes you!
The atmosphere in the abode of fairies and immortals is extremely depressed!
Cold air pervades.
Copper bull grinned and twisted his neck at Su Mo and others with malicious smiles, waiting for the black wolf to make it!
Cicada never said a word without looking up.
But I don’t know when she has two more machetes as thin as cicadas in her hand, which are almost cold and cold!

Mo Ya also shook his head and said with emotion, "Lu Li actually wanted to say that you are going to create a sect. If you don’t dislike the position of an elder of Keqing, I will help you."

Lu Li smell speech a shock hurriedly way "mo old not kidding? Mo Lao’s identity is not to say that Elder Ke Qing wants any elder position. Haha! "
Lu Li is very happy that Mo Ya joined us. You know, the strength of Mo Ya is quite strong, and the experience can guide many younger generations.
"Have you thought about the name of Zongmen?" Mo Ya inquired.
In this regard, Lu Li-lang said, "The name of stepping on the sky is called stepping on the sky!"
"A good step day when it’s a wind than! So the old man will join you in this day "Mo Ya also said with a laugh.
"I’m back from the land" is another sound at this moment. It is Xiangyun who is happy to see it.
Lu Li smiled and said, "How do you gain?"
Xiangyun was excited and smiled, and dimples showed a charming way. "Although the spirit pulse is about to dry up, I have absorbed a lot of its aura."
Lu Li nodded and answered, "The eye is going to deal with a small medicine basket and then deal with a few old things, so he rushed to Baihua Valley to see his parents."
"Just now I heard what Mo Lao said about stepping on Tianzong. What is that?" Xiangyun doubt way
Lu Li simply said, "I am about to establish a sectarian name."
"ah? That I also want to join, just be a deputy patriarch-"Xiangyun hurried mouth.
What she said immediately caused Mo Ya to burn out and laugh, not to mention that they were even in stitches.
"Hey, who are you?" Look at the other side and burn the silent incense cloud to show vigilance.
Burning silence is also a short way, "I am the master and the maid is called burning silence."
"Well, I have another maid, you, you, you!" As soon as Xiangyun pounced on me, she wanted to catch Lulu and hide from her with a wry smile. "To burn silence is to know some secrets and follow me temporarily!" After several explanations, Xiangyun stopped and laughed.
"Eye, let’s go to the Valley of the King of Medicine first, regardless of whether the senior brother of the small medicine basket is deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors after all. Let’s talk about Xiang Yun’s deputy patriarch again. I’ll think about it. Don’t you think it’s too much to ride to the old man of Mo Qing?" Lu Li deliberately teased and then hid Xiang Yun’s palm.
However, there is no force in the palm of the other hand, which seems to be afraid of hurting the land.
Burning silence Mo Ya both shook their heads and smiled without a word.
Suddenly, I glanced at Xiangyun Phoenix Bracelet and thought, "This Phoenix Bracelet suddenly reminds me of a sacrifice refining method that can greatly increase its power. When I return to Xianyun Mountain, I will sacrifice it to make it reach the level of fairy."
"Really? That’s great!" Xiangyun is also a great joy, so she no longer "chases" the land.
"By the way, come with me. There are some problems that you need to take a look at." The land is facing the burning silence.
"Xiang Yun, Mo Lao, wait for me for a moment." Lu Li spoke again.
When the figure flashed, the two men fell on a barren land and waved their hands, so they laid a defensive barrier and said, "You are proficient in silence. Why don’t you take a look at their situation?"
Burning silence nodded slightly. There should be injured people here, but there are no others around. Is it hidden in the magic weapon? This can require a pretty powerful magic weapon to do it.
The magic ring’s mysterious light flashed away and directly released two of them, which were two different coffins.
Among them, a ghost coffin is dim and shining, and it is the lotus fairy lying quietly in it. In the past, her face was still there, but she was separated from life and death.
The quiet scene of the crystal coffin in Wanqiu has no breath and vitality.
Burning silence is also a big frown. First, she looked at two different coffins, and then her mind moved. Two strands of silence force respectively penetrated into the two women’s bodies and then recovered.
"The Lotus Fairy has already scattered all over this other woman. It seems that she has lost her heart. This is beyond the scope I can try." Burning silence and shaking her head repeatedly is helpless for two people’s feelings.
Lu Li also sighed, "The last woman named Wan Qiu once said that her injury was a heart injury and that it could not be cured by secular forces-"
"What?" Burning silence when I heard that suddenly one leng exclaimed exports.
Lu Li was puzzled and immediately asked, "Why do you still know something?"
In this regard, I nodded slightly and my face was serious. "When the master created me, it seemed that I had done everything, and there was a vast expanse of land-beyond the shackles of the secular world!"
Lu Li smell speech is also a shock!
"If you can meet your monarch or someone who is practicing at the same level!" Lu Li quickly asked questions.
Burning silence pondered over this: "If you can travel to the stars at the ancient level, it is not difficult. At that time, it may not be difficult to see your master and try to wake him up."
Speaking of which, the face softened a little, and then waved away the two coffins. Although his heart was hard to avoid, he forced himself not to show his sadness.

Lin Yang really wants to give Ding Guohua the middle finger, but on second thought, this guy is not only his nephew, but also the dean of his medical school. As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads and give the dean the middle finger in the eaves, so forget it.

After shaking his head with a wry smile, Lin Yang said naively, "You have to … you have to use me as bait. I think who asked you to give a reason that is so grandiose? If I object, wouldn’t I be a medical college sinner? But there’s one thing you have to do for me, or I’ll turn my back on you and deny you as a nephew. "
"Little Martial Uncle, you can rest assured that no matter what it is, I promise to do it well." Ding Guohua patted his chest and said.
"In fact, it’s no big deal," Lin Yang said. "I’m going to read about what happened today in this school in the future. I don’t want it to get out and be known by too many people and cause unnecessary trouble."
"Turns out to be this thing? No problem wrapped in my body "Ding Guohua promised lest Lin Yang will go back on our word.
After returning to the classroom, Ding Guohua immediately asked the European and American experts, "What have the professors considered?"
"We made a unanimous decision to stay in your school as a visiting exchange scholar," Pattinson replied, and then he turned to Lin Yang. "After Mr. Lin, we hope you can give us your advice when we come to consult you about Chinese medicine."
See the eyes Ding Guohua Lin Yangnai nodded "no problem".
After getting rid of this group of European and American experts, Ding Guohua swept everyone in the classroom and said, "I hope you can keep these things a secret today and Lin Yang will study in our school. I don’t want this matter to affect his normal life and study. If anyone dares to let me know about it, both students and faculty will be severely punished. I always mean to do it, and you’d better not take chances …"
Just as Ding Guohua was lecturing, Lin Yang quietly lit a wish.
This symbol has a strong suggestive effect. With Ding Guohua’s words, people unconsciously left a deep mark in their hearts. This mark will take effect when they try to tell what happened today, making them afraid and afraid to continue talking about this topic.
Lin Yang is also very resistant to doing so.
Because he knows very well that if things get out of his college life today, he will not be able to settle down, and all kinds of inexplicable people and things will annoy him to death
Ding Guohua, they didn’t stay in the classroom for a long time. After the lecture, he led Professor Pattinson to leave the first European and American experts, and Lin Yang was forcibly dragged away by him.
Of course, Ding Guohua didn’t forget to tidy up Feng Jing before he left.
This guy incredibly dare to slander little ShiShu when it’s really reckless to call out the Chinese medicine master Feng Hui Ding Guohua said, pointing to Feng Jing "this man is your Chinese medicine lecturer? I don’t think he can afford the burden of educating people. Let’s find someone else to teach this "Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine". "
Feng Hui quickly said, "The dean is right. I also think that Feng Jing is not qualified to be a teacher. Although he has professional ability, he has problems in Germany. Don’t worry, I will handle this matter in the shortest possible time and arrange another person to teach Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine."
Speaking on the table, Feng Jing was transfixed.
He is not an idiot. Naturally, he can hear that he is going to be excluded from the conversation between Ding Guohua and Feng Hui.
He never thought that he would get such a result for Lin Yang …
But what shocked him even more was yet to come.
Just after Feng Hui said that he wanted to change someone to teach Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, those professors of traditional Chinese medicine couldn’t wait to volunteer.
"Master Feng, what do you think of me teaching this" Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine "?"
"Lao wang, what are you doing here learning acupuncture and massage? Feng Zhu, in my opinion, it’s more appropriate for me to teach Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Over the years, I have not only taught students to treat people clinically, but also never missed teaching Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. "
"Let me teach Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am good at it, but no one else can teach it as well as me."
"I have participated in the compilation of this textbook" Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine ",which is definitely better than others."
As just now, every lecturer competing for the position of Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a doctoral tutor.
Under normal circumstances, how can these people teach Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine for freshmen? But now they can teach this subject, and it is almost a fight.
People’s eyes once again focused on Lin Yangshen.
It’s all for nothing that Lin Yang drives these professors crazy.
After all, the teacher wants to bring out a gifted student.
The quarrel didn’t end until Feng Hui chose the lecturer of Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This time, the teacher of Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Linyang’s class changed from Feng Jing to Zhang Tianze, which is far beyond Feng Jing’s fame, status and accomplishments in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.
After Ding Guohua, Lin Yang and others have left, there are students left in the classroom and Feng Jing on the podium.
At this moment, when Feng Jing was away, the students were all discussing what had just happened enthusiastically. Foreign experts came to the school to learn from Lin Yang and knelt down.
There are also a large group of well-known professors vying to be teaching teachers.
Damn it … Who can believe these things if they are not seen with their own eyes?
Lin Yang is so awesome that he is really a god of Chinese medicine. He is really our idol. Unconsciously, they didn’t even notice that the class bell rang.
The students in the classroom next door came up with deep curiosity and asked, "Are you very busy here? What are you discussing? "
I don’t know whether Ding Guohua lectured or Lin Yang’s charm played a role. They immediately suspended the discussion and said, "We are discussing what to eat for lunch."
A week passed in an instant.
During this week, Pattinson, the first European and American experts, were busy with various formalities, which gave Lin Yang a short and leisure time.
When the lights were about to go out that night, Lin Yang received a call from Ming Xi, "Is the master in the dormitory? Come out quickly. I’ll wait for you at the east entrance of medical college. "
What is it like for Ming Xi to meet outside the school so late?
Lin Yang can’t help one leng.
Chapter 555 Guishi
"What can I do for you so late?"
Although the beautiful woman invited him late at night, Lin Yang didn’t want to be crooked because he knew Ming Xi’s character very well. Even if he had such a little affection for him, he would never do anything drastic.
Sure enough, Ming Xi smiled and said the reason, "Master, don’t think about it. I’ll ask you out. There is nothing else because you asked me to help you pay attention to the Xuan Jing in the South China Sea and the materials such as Mobei Jinsha."
This is really good news for Lin Yang, but he still wondered, "Can’t you say it in words?"? The dormitory horse is about to turn off the lights. Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to go back to the dormitory tonight? Ming Xi replied, I heard that Xuan Jing in Nanhai and Mobei Jinsha have appeared in the ghost market in the last two days, and now I’m going to wait until around three in the morning to accompany you directly to the ghost market.
The so-called ghost market is not really a ghost, but a morning market in the antique and jade industry.
This morning market is often set up in the early hours of the morning and ends before dawn.
It is called ghost market because it doesn’t see the sun.

The fact has been successfully refined into a mother-in-law battle. On what race he used to be, it is no longer the same now, because he did not join his own Jingxue and its various powerful biological veins in the process of flesh-and-blood transformation of Jiuwei Youjin.

The special ability of his mother-in-law war body can activate one of the blood forces and turn into the corresponding fighting form.
At the moment he taxiing basaltic toward the sky fall buried mausoleum tower culling.
The first floor of the tower directly exploded and was smashed into pieces by the palm of the mother Xuanwu, but no one was motivated. Everyone knows that the sixth floor is the real battlefield.
Bang! !
Bang ~ ~ ~ ~
No one in those floors where the tower body is constantly broken can stop Qi Xuanwu from fighting for immortality. Not only does it have nine-dimensional hidden gold, but the road is extremely powerful, and the Xuanwu clan’s life avatar holds the Taiyin to control the sky and the waters, even if the sea of death is buried in the mausoleum tower, it is faintly restrained!
Finally came to the sixth floor, where the central tombstone is engraved with the name "Slayer, Perfect World, Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm". Zeng Yizhi killed Qin Changfeng’s first opponent, the wooden god, the Buddha.
Slayer’s indifference and quasi-fairy’s finger wrapped around Dao Fuguang and fell on the back of Xuanwu, causing cracks in its so-called hard Xuanwu tortoise shell and then exploding.
Xuanwu Warfare directly blew up a terrible storm on the sixth floor of Buried Mausoleum Tower.
Even though the two worlds of practice are different, no matter how underestimated, the quasi-immortal emperor in the perfect world must not be in the real world.
The true immortal Buddha is not the difference between ordinary Buddha and Buddha, but it is reasonable that the immortal Buddha can’t resist it.
However, after all, he is far stronger than the wooden god Buddha. At the last moment, he took the initiative to violently attack the body, extremely strong flesh and blood, deep and deep gold, and a number of fairy swords were shot and hacked out. The collapse of the sixth floor tower made the slaughter emperor lose its support and dissipate directly.
And the battle won’t end there, because this one is still a busy body.
For a moment, the grotesque high-dimensional picture reappeared, and then the third immortal Buddha came out of it
"Even with the power of vision transformation, how many times can you make such attacks?"
Once again, the immortal Buddha was sent directly to the seventh level, and he smiled coldly at the front of Emperor Hong.
Qin Changfeng’s sudden silence was due to the vision of Cang Dao. Although to some extent, he realized that he had reappeared with all his life and energy, but at present he has not achieved a perfect quality. It is not Qin Changfeng’s power by itself, but needs to transform other substances or energy around him into Tao symbols before he can display his magical powers.
And there is a limit to the coverage of Daori light. When he transforms everything he can touch, he will naturally gain strength again.
Especially when the range of activities in this ring is limited, it is obvious to do it as much as possible.
"It’s meaningless to tell you how many times you can play, because the next one is the last blow. If you don’t die, go through my body for nine days."
Qin Changfeng’s voice was calm at sunrise in Cangdao, and then the seventh and second floors of the mausoleum tower collapsed voluntarily, sending the immortal Buddha directly to the ninth floor tower.
In the center of this place, a tombstone, which is as dark as the universe’s ghosts, is engraved with four colder characters, the remains of the immortal emperor!
The figure of the immortal emperor has not yet been manifested in the world, but anyone who sees this name does not feel terror in his heart and feels an ominous thought from his soul
"The remains of the immortal emperor … what series is there?"
"Is it really the Nine Immortals?"
At the moment, the seven great deities all fell in horror when there was a super giant Xianmu crossing in the heaven.
At the same time, the sky suddenly roared and hundreds of millions of light enveloped the world of this challenge completely, just like the emperor of heaven stretched out a huge palm from the star to cover the world and then patted it hard
A loud bang shook the virtual battlefield, and the light of the sun enveloped the ring. The world evaporated in just a moment, and the whole world disappeared and was completely decomposed into bright virtual symbols.
Stunned eyes have become a portrayal of all people. Today, it is the first time they have seen someone refining the whole challenge world into their own strength. Dharma is deeply imprinted into everyone’s heart and becomes an indelible memory …
Chapter one hundred and sixteen Sharing
All the forces transformed from day to day were sent to the tombstone on the ninth floor of the Buried Mausoleum Tower, and then a half-length decayed corpse came out of it, suddenly opened its eyes and was cold to the extreme, and it sent out thousands of dangers.
He looked ahead, but there was no figure reflected in the pupil of the Buddha, as if a Buddha could not even be called an ant in his eyes.
The third concrete member of Liu Xian Tian Zun actually collapsed directly like this. The immortal emperor didn’t really start work, so he was directly killed by a murder!
This scene is so horrible that it is just a gas machine that makes a Buddha fall. This is waiting for the great power!
Hum ~ ~ ~
From the sound of the Tao, the immortal Buddha is not dead yet, but there is no longer a high-dimensional virtual vision. Instead, it is a long river of time. The three Buddha figures are actually the two bodies of the immortal Buddha, as if the original had collapsed, and they reappeared in the years.
Moreover, these three figures did not follow the long river of time and came to the world to confront the remains of the immortal emperor, but went against the current.
A breath of terror, cause and effect disorder, cried in heaven and earth. They were going to kill the past in the long river of years. Qin Changfeng came to wipe him out in this world and end the battle that exhausted both sides.
The sky is high, and the sun suddenly trembles like an explosion from the Ministry, giving people an unstable feeling as if they were about to collapse at any time.
At the same time, there is a strong sense of crisis hidden in Qin Changfeng’s Yuan God. Without guessing, you can see that Liu Xian Tian Zun resurrected three Taoist bodies from the years and let them go back to the past directly, so as to kill him before he grows up.
It is still unknown how the Buddha will suffer from the cause and effect, but it will not be more serious than Qin Changfeng’s own direct disappearance from this world.
There is no doubt that once he had a problem and was strangled, now he is like a duckweed. Now, in this era, the only ending of causal logic is to disappear without leaving a trace.
Even people’s memory of him will be beheaded a long time ago, and there has never been any immortal Buddha, and he has never been on the battlefield …
When he is in harmony, he stays immortal, and the Buddha can only touch the taboo field, so he will be obliterated by Qin Changfeng’s radical resistance.
At that time, he and Xiao Mo also practiced, but they were all the first achievements. Compared with the Buddha, they were ten percent worse. But this ten percent in the eye is the horizon and the boundary between life and death!
He can also try to go back to the past to stop it, but there is no reason to chase it.